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  1. flowerbug

    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    it was indeed a nice day outside, and i just finished up planting one garden and came inside to rest up a bit before going back out for the next garden and it started looking like rain. i checked the radar and it looked like we were going to be on the edge of the storm going by so i enjoyed my...
  2. flowerbug

    Memes That Make You Giggle

    service call fee from a contractor.
  3. flowerbug

    What did you do in your garden today?

    haha! for someone who doesn't much like vegetables i'd never expect them to like asparagus or okra, let alone overcooked asparagus. asparagus i can eat close to any form other than the hard wood old stems or too mature other growth. my preference is for it to be warmed just through and put a...
  4. flowerbug

    What's for dinner?

    keeping it simple here for the most part, too busy to really cook much, strawberries, sloppy joes, i even got into some potato chips the other night (but avoided them last night). chocolate chip cookies or a square of chocolate and a handfull of peanuts are desserts/snacks i'd much rather have...
  5. flowerbug

    What did you do in your garden today?

    planted a few beans this morning and then weeded the rest of the gardens that i still need to plant with beans until i couldn't do any more. called it a day. tomorrow will be burying some garden debris and then planting as many beans as i can get done. i hope to be done by Mondayish but we'll...
  6. flowerbug

    the little wild kingdom

    rains did my watering for me today so i was able to wake up, attend to a few morning things and then go back to sleep for an hour or so, then i was good for the rest of the day puttering around and catching up on some indoor things (shredding papers, looking at a few worm buckets, watering the...
  7. flowerbug

    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    it grows quite tall here, but there are also many different kinds of clovers and then other plants too which you think are clovers but might not be them after all, etc.
  8. flowerbug

    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    there are many ways to take that statement, but i'll hope for the best and assume the humorous ones... :)
  9. flowerbug

    Food prices June 2021

    strawberries. :) first decent crop i've managed to harvest much of for several years - the critters were habitually raiding them before i could get them picked, but for some reason this year they've not gotten too many of them (i've been trapping and hunting so that has probably a lot to do...
  10. flowerbug

    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    the power outage for us the other evening was only us which is strange to me considering the run of wires goes on to the south of us and also to the west and the fault was actually nearly a half mile to the north of us. so i don't really understand this utility wiring scheme...
  11. flowerbug

    Memes That Make You Giggle

    say "Thank you." and shut your gob...
  12. flowerbug

    the little wild kingdom

    made almost eight pints of freezer jam last night. Mom got the wrong kind of pectin so i had to find and use a new recipe (the box no longer has directions or recipes with it). seems to have worked out ok as i mostly followed the recipe directions as posted (only added some extra lemon juice...
  13. flowerbug

    What's for dinner?

    sloppy joes and strawberries with that automagic whipped cream on top (from the can OMG!). i was snacking on strawberries almost all day as i was picking or prepping them so i didn't have too many in my bowl, but we did need to use up that whipped cream can before it went bad (a joke, as we...
  14. flowerbug

    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    an odd moment and at this moment a salmon seafood salad sounds pretty yummy for breakfast. guess i'll have bread and water (a slice of Boston Brown bread and some peanut butter on it and a glass of water) and pretend it is some strange new salmon...
  15. flowerbug

    Food prices June 2021

    i am glad i made freezer jam yesterday. i'd price it at about $100 per jar if i were to sell it. probably cost about $1 a jar in cost of sugar (not too expensive) and pectin (the most expensive part of the deal other than the time).
  16. flowerbug

    Memes That Make You Giggle

    we got one of those impromptu fixer upper kits (someone ran over a wild turkey in the road out front of our place) and while i picked up the parts off the road and buried it that day Mom went out the next day and picked up the feathers that were all over the side of the road. we'd need a put it...
  17. flowerbug

    Memes That Make You Giggle

    yes, pretty much same here. they just don't want people clearing out the beaches or streams. this house has a large central stone work fireplace chimney and also the front wall by the kitchen (which faces west) is also built from the same stones. they came from all over the country. a...
  18. flowerbug

    What did you do in your garden today?

    picked through most of what was left of the strawberry patch and weeded a little too. no way was i getting all the weeds and some of the strawberries will be there for next time but i'm suspecting i may not pick again as i really need to get the rest of the gardens planted ASAP and the weather...
  19. flowerbug

    Memes That Make You Giggle

    there is a limit in MI about how many lbs of beach stones you are allowed to take but i can't recall if it is per day or per year...
  20. flowerbug

    Phaedra's Journal - Eat, Play, Live

    if only you were named Scotty! :) it's ok. i'm in no danger of starving. i hope your first week went well?