Recent content by grandma

  1. G

    What to do with grease off meat?

    Another use for the fat (if you don't use it as others have suggested) is to give some to your chickens. They appreciate a little extra in the winter especially.
  2. G

    Hearst, N. Ontario Canada

    Waving, from Nova Scotia.
  3. G

    Greener Pastures...

    I have no idea about the reasons for people leaving, but I guess it is the same as other forums, and sometimes RL; someone posts what someone else disagrees with, and instead of just having a difference of opinion, it becomes a personal attack. I'm still here (although I don't post much I DO...
  4. G

    Apirl Fool's Snowy Nor'easter Storm Heading For New England../

    Snowed here last night and is still snowing on and off; not much accumulation, only a couple of inches or less, but my poor crocuses look like they've gone into hiding...
  5. G

    Prince Edward Island, Canada

    Central Nova Scotia here! * waves
  6. G

    stocking up on some things...ammonia and bleach ?

    This can be stored instead of bleach; it makes bleach. Be cautious, though, the proportions should be followed exactly.
  7. G

    Some things just can't be prepared for

    This is how I feel as well..I want to be here as long as possible; life is good.
  8. G

    Thank you BBH!!

    Years ago when my children were young, I had a friend who had a dairy farm. Although it was (and still is) illegal to buy or sell unpasteurized milk, I often got a gallon or so of raw milk from her for my cats. She always reminded me not to drink it because it was illegal, and I always agreed...
  9. G

    Coffee Alternative

    This summer my 'tree man' found me a tree called Kentucky Coffee Tree.. this is it According to info, it is a (poor) substitute for coffee, and in large quantities can be toxic; in small amounts it might work, though...
  10. G

    Can I reuse these jar seals if they weren't really used for canning?

    I use them when I make 'freezer jam'; it doesn't get canned, so they are just covers for the jam. Also, I sometimes use them to make decorations with young children. We paint one side of the seal, cut out a picture to fit the other side, glue a ribbon on the unpainted side, then add the...
  11. G

    Recycling toilet paper tubes

    every Saturday morning when I clean out and wash our budgie's cage, I put a *toilet roll in there; it is by far his favourite toy. Just to see him play 'lumberjack', trying to stand on it while it rolls away, is hilarious! He also sticks his head in it and makes a funny noise, like he is trying...
  12. G

    what to do with a LOT of mint?

    Have to agree...I learned to like mint sauce with lamb while living in England. I have chocolate, orange, and other mints growing, but unfortunately they've all grown together so now I just use whatever is near when I want some. And if you eat pork, it goes well with that, too.
  13. G

    Any vitamin help???

    Sometimes what we call food allergies are really food sensitivities. Maybe some of your symptoms are sensitivities which show up only in conjunction with other things? Apparently, I have an egg 'allergy', but I've never shown any symptoms except when I've had a needle which uses egg as a base...