Recent content by LetsBeSelfSufficient

  1. L

    skin care

    I like to use Bert's Bees' honey lip balm. Yep, I seriously use it on my face. It's great at soothing dry skin without making it oily, AND the honey is great for healing acne scars. For my hands, I use whipped shea butter + coconut oil.
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    Home Buying advice needed...

    This is a good article on ways to improve your credit score: Also, sometimes people with bad credit can get assistance from their state. The HUD website might be able to offer her some tips...
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    thanksgiving....gluten free?

    There's a lot you can do with corn meal and masa. Masa is pretty easy to find; I've been able to score some in the ethnic foods section of a lot of grocery stores. I just came up with a pretty delicious recipe for GF buckwheat biscuits. It doesn't rise as well as glutenous biscuits, but it's...
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    Bald Chicken!

    Okay, it looks like my lil lady is hanging in there just fine. This morning she was skipping all over the yard with her sisters, looking pretty healthy if I do say so myself. And this was after two cold, wet nights. Thanks, everyone!
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    Bald Chicken!

    Hi all, It looks like the tiniest of my four hens was picked on by her sisters while pent up in the run. Normally, in the warmer months, they have the run of the yard, but now that the shrubbery growing around and above our fence is withering, it's not as effective at keeping the ladies out of...
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    Poll (just curious): do you save, budget, or just hope?

    I keep track of my spending on a google docs spreadsheet. It's really important for me to know how much I saved, since I get furloughed every summer and need to plan for making zilch two months out of the year.
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    Share your ideas for Holiday Gifts!

    Emerald, I love your idea! So cute! This year, I'm going to be giving away homemade beer, handbound journals, soap and jam. I'm also going to try my hand at making whipped shea butter and honey to fend off dry skin during those long winter months!
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    Canning Without a Rack - Risky?

    Thanks everyone and welcome, Emerald! So glad you decided to speak up!
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    Canning Without a Rack - Risky?

    But should I toss the stuff I've already canned?
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    Canning Without a Rack - Risky?

    Hi all, So I made some applesauce and canned it. I'm new to canning, and I didn't use a rack for the jars. Everything was fine, nothing broke, but now I'm worried that it wasn't properly sanitized (since boiling water wasn't running along the bottom of the jars). Does this put the jars at a...
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    A Cheap Fall Garden -- Advice Needed

    Thanks, guys! I love the deer netting idea. Chicken wire is really expensive at our local hardware store, so this seems like a way better option! :lol:
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    A Cheap Fall Garden -- Advice Needed

    Hi everyone, I'm looking to start a cheap fall garden. Does anyone have any advice on how to go about this? I live in zone 8, and I have backyard chickens that gobble up whatever they can. Since I have chickens, do I need to build a raised bed and put some chicken wire around it? I'm...
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    Touring Band in a Veggie Oil School Bus

    Okay, my friend Rob sent me his response to my questions! If you want to read them with pictures, you can go here: Otherwise, here you go! 1. How much does it cost to convert a vehicle to veggie oil...
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    Touring Band in a Veggie Oil School Bus

    The friend that did the conversion is going to fill me in on the details of how it's done, so I'll let you guys know! I do know that it's not biodiesel; it's straight-up oil. We didn't have to add anything to it once we got it. Some places wanted us to call ahead of time, while others were...
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    Touring Band in a Veggie Oil School Bus

    Hi everyone, Thought some of you might find this of interest. I recently went on tour with a band that travels in a veggie oil schoolbus. A friend of mine converted it using parts he found for free. It worked out really well because we didn't have to pay for gas; we'd just stop at a Waffle...