Recent content by StupidBird

  1. S

    StupidBird's Escape from Suburbia

    Sorry to be so long gone here. Got a whopper of a cold/bronchitis repeat/nasty and while on a ten day family trip to test the new pop up camper with the inlaws. Right now I'm hiding in a hotel room while they all hike or whatever through swamps and bugs. Usually I'm up for that though. So...
  2. S

    StupidBird's Escape from Suburbia

    Good morning, thank you all for the encouraging words. DH said he'd not slept but a few hours last night, and got up at his usual 4 am to go to work. Heavy discussions all weekend about early retirement, was going to announce late April but this morning said nerves were getting to him, so...
  3. S

    StupidBird's Escape from Suburbia

    It's a bit much at times, but this could mean more room for chickens. And honeybees. A root cellar. A climate more conducive to gardening. New friends. There are lots of positive possibilities. My big thing is just do it. First steps are getting the house in shape to sell, get our fianaces and...
  4. S

    StupidBird's Escape from Suburbia

    Good Morning, this is StupidBird, and I'm a recovering housewife. Used to have a big Career until my health did a tailspin-crash-and-burn back in 2004. Officially now have the specialist's letter and orders to GTFO of the southeast or this'll never clear up. I can't hold a job due to health, and...
  5. S

    Another day, another adventure

    Another day, another adventure
  6. S

    What are you fermenting today?

    So, does sauerbraten fit the definition of fermenting? I've made that and corned beef brisket plenty of times. The salt and cabbage kraut was so good in the quart, we went to the 3 gallon bucket. Tried a jar of kraut turnips; DH likes it, but I still don't like turnips. I can't do the whey...
  7. S

    US Feds take Mormon food reserves?

    :idunno maybe it's about taxes? I dunno. I can see our county commissioners getting all bent if they thought they were loosing out on the local sales taxes. But I recall "food hoarding" being a serious crime in the shortages during the world wars in Europe. What has happened, can always...
  8. S

    Sunchokes- Jerusalem Artichokes

    Ok, so I probably now have a zillion of these "fartichokes" in the ground. We like them, but they do a serious number on the local air quality and noise abatement issues. Seriously! What can I do to make these more digestible for us? Is this just a "getting your gut used to it" and I...
  9. S

    Go "Green" and just hang it up!

    I've got a couple wooden folding racks for inside - the little things go on these no matter the weather. My clothesline is in our screened porch, although I'd rather it out in the sun. The only drawback I have is the summers are so stinky humid that the clothes can smell bad and start...
  10. S

    garden plans for 2012

    I could've SWORN I posted on this one! Is this thread over on BYC? :rolleyes: I have to admit I now have what's considered a big garden. The latest addition is 75x25. Six raised beds in a kitchen garden beside the garage, with a row of blackberries, lemon balm, and blueberries. Then, 3x25...
  11. S

    Save money in depressed times----

    At birthday parties, take home all the candles after they're blown out. Who needs electric lights?
  12. S

    Frugal Tips for our Livestock

    Any tips for chickens and rabbits? I'm in a situation where they can't be free-ranged. This fall I planted a large cover crop of winter greens (collards, mustards, kales, etc.) and will harvest and hand feed these. An experiment in letting the hens graze a patch completely destroyed it in two...
  13. S

    Cooperation among your neighbors?

    I have been making a conscience effort to know my neighbors. I actually got the renter next door to holler back good morning over the fence, before she ducked back inside. Guess it's hard to continue to ignore the crazy chicken woman who keeps on smiling, waving and saying hello. It's amazing...
  14. S

    $5 Christmas Gift Exchange

    A packet of open polinated organic seeds. A nice glazed flowerpot stuffed with something from the garden: mint, oregano, chives... A pretty bowl filled with fresh something: berries, baked item, nuts A small LED flashlight Thick wooly boot socks...wait, that's over $5 A box or other...
  15. S

    Helpful tool for lifting

    Nice, but there's usually only me staring at the offending object all by my lonesome. And the new dog refuses to pull aka sled dog style.