Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It always feels good when I can check it all off. I'm looking forward to the day when all I have to do is keep up on stuff, not get it all caught up.

That being said, since I didn't get my house and yard all cleaned for July 4th, my next goal for it to be all done by Labor Day. It is cleaner, but still has a ways to go. So, my list for today:

1. Wash and hang out a load of clothes (they're in the washer now)
2. Put out trash and recyclables (done)
3. Fold and put away a load of laundry
4. Normal farm chores
5. Help RU w/some stuff that needs to be done-not sure how long that's going to take
6. Work on small chicken coop so I can get my chicks out!
7. Clean kitchen
8. Clean out fridge
9. Dishes
10. Feed goats
11. Work in garden-I hope to get another row of rope up for my tomatoes, then look for weeds in that area and around my peppers and eggplants.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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We did pretty good with some of the deep cleaning needed for MIL's visit. I think I'm going to set up a schedule with some of the lesser done chores and try to keep 'em done on a semi-regular basis. It's so much easier than having to do them all at once!

Good luck with your list!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
My list is done! I was able to start work on the small chicken house. I didn't finish, but at least I got started. Main thing I did was cut some boards. Tomorrow, I'll start putting it together.

LF had an operation recently. And she paid someone to do some work in her area. They were supposed to clean her stalls-they didn't touch them. I noticed it the other day, so I asked RU about them. LF is planning on coming down this weekend. And she was going to clean them. Physically, she's not up to it. So today RU and I spent about 2 hours cleaning stalls and getting a bunch of baling twine up. This way when she gets here, she can enjoy spending time w/her horses. She doesn't get to see them as much as she'd like because she lives quite a distance away. I would not do this for anyone else on the farm.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
We may not be able to finish my hay shelter this weekend. We have a problem w/the electricity in the house and that's a bit more important than the hay shelter. We're lucky we didn't have a fire! We may have to work on rewiring at least part of the house instead. I can't have my laptop plugged in where I normally plug it in. In fact, right now, there's not even an outlet there.

In the meantime, I have a ton of stuff I need to do. We got some rain overnight and since I'm planning on planting more beans and corn, I'll probably do that this morning B4 I leave. So, my list for today:

1. Plant the last of my corn, and more beans
2. Weed the beans and the corn that's already planted
3. Wash and hang out a load of clothes
4. Normal farm chores
5. Clean field
6. Mow my field as well as the rest of the small fields
7. Move electricity, scrub and refill water tank
8. Work on small chicken house
9. Work on bedroom
10. Dishes
11. Fold and put away a load of laundry
12. Feed goats
13. Clean brooder
14. If it's not raining, go out for ice cream w/one group. If you take a banana, you can get a split for half off.

That should be enough for today, so I'd better get moving.
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Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm not sure what we're doing about the electric. Hubby got home shortly B4 I left, but he was leaving as well. Then, when we got home, we had to take care of a groundhog. I'm so glad I reset the trap. I've reset it again, but haven't put any bait in it. I can do that in the morning. But that means we didn't have time to talk.

I didn't think I was going to get everything done today. Since I went out tonight, that meant I was really pressed for time. But, some things HAD to get done, like planting more beans and the last of my corn. I also weeded that area, as well as where I planted my vine crops. Some of them are up, some aren't. But, if anything doesn't come up, I'll just have to do w/out it this year. In both sections combined, I got way less than a full, 8 quart bucket.

I got most of the mowing done. Then, I ran out of gas. Wasn't anything I could do about that. I'm hoping that next year, w/all this mowing that I'm doing for RU, she'll have a lot less weeds. I'm just glad I didn't run out of gas when I was spreading my manure! I had trouble w/the manure spreader again. Nothing was coming out. So rather than trying to figure out why, I unhooked it, and tipped it over. That got it out.

I didn't get much done on my chicken house. Basically all I did was nail a couple of boards in place. So that means I'm going to have to get it finished tomorrow. I'm hoping I have enough wood for it. I think I do, but we'll see. I do need some hinges, so I guess I'll be running to TSC tomorrow to try and get them.

I did some work in the bedroom, but not a whole lot. Basically, I stripped the bed, flipped the mattress, remade the bed and worked for a few minutes on sorting stuff. But, every time I get any done, there's that much less that needs doing.

I almost forgot about the clothes I needed to fold and put away. So, once I got home, then got my shower, I spent a few minutes doing that. I'm glad I did it. There's that much less I have to do tomorrow.

I've been keeping up on the dishes! I'm wondering if I've set my own, personal record. I've done the dishes 4 days in a row! And, I'll be doing them again tomorrow B4 I leave. Can't leave them for later, cuz I'm not sure when I'm getting home. The 4-H fair is this weekend, and I want to run over for awhile tomorrow afternoon. I'll probably get chicken BBQ there.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today promises to be another busy day. And, next week is going to be busy as well. But after that, I think I'll be even closer to the end of the tunnel! I should finally be to the point of being able to relax some in the evening. I only have 1 load of clothes that I have to do, so I should be able to work on other stuff that's in the laundry bin next week. I should be all caught up on the garden, so I'll be able to do some cleaning to the yard instead. So, my list for today is:

1. Iron clothes (done)
2. Dishes
3. Normal farm chores
4. Go to work
5. Go to TSC and the bank
6. Work on little chicken house
7. Lime section of field. After this section is limed, I'll stop liming for now. Then, in September and October, I'll lime again, then fertilize. Then in the spring, I'll see how it all looks.
8. Go to 4-H fair
9. Feed goats

Since I'm going to the fair, I'm not doing a couple of other things-namely weeding and working in the basement. But, I'm caught up enough on the weeding for it not to matter, and it won't hurt anything if I don't work in the basement today.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
You are really getting a lot of stuff done. Now we cross our fingers that nothing happens to destroy that head of steam you've built up!