Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Hopefully nothing will!

I enjoyed myself at the fair, and really wished I didn't have to leave when I did. But, I was on the bike and I wanted to get home B4 dark. They were running late-as normal, so what I had hoped to see, I didn't see. Instead, I watched a pairs class, and some pole bending. Oh well.

I did talk to someone and let them know I wouldn't be doing my club any more. I've struggled to keep this club floating for several years, and I just can't do it any more. The only day I could have it was on a Saturday morning. And, kids have just too many other things going on on Saturdays.

I didn't get to lime my field today. Instead, I finished mowing the field. Only problem being, there was one section that I hadn't mowed because there was a post down right there. So, I moved it out of the way B4 I ever started. And because the weeds/grass was so tall, I didn't see a whole big thing of baling twine until too late. So now it's all jammed up on the blades. Guess I'll be doing that on Monday.

I worked on my chicken house, but didn't finish it. So, if I do get duck eggs to hatch, I'm going to have to find something to use for water and food for a couple of days. I probably won't be able to finish it now until Monday.

I didn't want to come home tonight. Hubby called me a couple of times while I was at the fair, and I knew he was drunk. I think he's gotten drunk every night this week. So, when I got home, I fed the goats, checked the trap, then water my vine crops and the corn and beans I just planted. I have one type of vine crop that didn't come up, but I don't recall which one of 3 I planted there. I was afraid I wouldn't get any zucchini or yellow squash because the seeds were old. Well, they came up. Who knows, maybe they'll still come up. Near the beginning of August, I'll be planting some peas there as well. Hubby is asleep, so that's good. He's not bothering me.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Not sure what all I'm doing today. We need to work on the electric, so I doubt we'll get to the hay shelter today. What I know I'll be working on is pretty brief.

1. Do some weeding
2. Feed horses, take care of chickens
3. Work on chicken house
4. Rake up goat pen-now that it's clean, I want to rake up any loose hay as well as nanny berries every week
5. Feed goats
6. Clean brooder

Other than that, I'll be playing it by ear so to speak.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Hubby's not really planning on doing anything today. I am NOT sitting around waiting for him to decide what he wants to do. I was working in the garden, but it started to rain, so I had to come in. But it doesn't look like it's anything more than a passing shower, so once it stops, I'll go back out and do more stuff.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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OK, this is NOT the forecast they called for. We've been getting showers all day! So, it's a good thing we didn't try to work on the hay shelter. We wouldn't have been able to do much to it.

My garden is all weeded-including the orchard area. I had been going to buy strawberries, but I have all those wild ones. And, I much prefer the taste of them to the cultivated ones. Right now I just had them all planted in one area until I decided what I was going to do w/them. Since I'm going to keep them, I'll plant them where I planned on planting. I can't find the plan I made up for the orchard, so I'm going to have to redo it.

W/the rain, I'm not going to be able to work on my chicken coop. And, I NEED to get the chicks out of the house. They are just too big for the brooder. I cleaned it this morning, and they've manged to spill their water. So, I'm going to just throw some more shavings in for overnight. Hubby came up a/good idea. I have 2 old rabbit pens. The one I planning on redoing because I'm getting a new (pet) rabbit. Hubby had made it w/chicken wire on the sides and I want hardware cloth. I just haven't had the time to buy it and redo it. The other one I was going to get rid of. It's bigger, and has a couple of holes in the wire. But, it has a "house" at the end, which the other one doesn't have. (I'll be adding one when I redo it.) So, we're going to patch the holes and stick the chicks in there until I'm able to get them out to the farm. And, if I can figure out a way to heat the house end, it would make a really good brooder. We did get it pretty much all cleaned up, so tomorrow hubby will fix it while I'm at church, then I'll be moving the chicks into that. So, I'll bring home my bigger feeder and waterer. I think I'm going to have to get another one eventually.

I'm waiting for it to stop raining again. Once it does, I'm going to go to TSC and get chick feed, then head to the farm. Hopefully I can get everything done out there w/out getting soaked. And I'm hoping I can get the goat pen done as well.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Found my orchard plan! So, once I got home from the farm, I was able to mark out about half of it. I also got the goat pen cleaned up again. It took me longer than I was expecting, but it's so nice that it's clean. As long as I can keep up w/something once it's done, it should help free up time down the road.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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We have a missionary visiting church this morning, so we're having a luncheon after church, then no evening service. So I should have a fairly easy day today. So my list for today is:

1. Make chocolate chip banana bread for the luncheon
2. Do dishes
3. Church
4. Normal farm chores
5. Feed goats
6. Finish marking out the orchard area
7. Move chicks

The hardest thing on there is the farm chores, and that shouldn't take me more than about an hour. And, since we could get showers at any time, I think I'm going to have to take the truck. I'll take a change of clothes w/me.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I brought home some but not a whole lot. I'll be hiding it from hubby. This will give me something to munch on during the week.

I had to come home after church after all. I took a pair of shorts w/me, socks and my barn boots. But, I forgot a shirt! And, the only shirt I knew I had for sure out at the farm is a long sleeved, button down shirt. Not quite what I wanted to put on since it's almost 90! I may just take a nap, then go out after a bit.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Looks like we're going to have a really nice week today. Highs are only supposed to be in the 80s, and most nights are supposed to be down around 60! We had some T storms overnight, so I don't have to water the garden. I should be able to get a ton done outside this week.

I didn't get one thing done on my list last night. I got home from the farm later than I'd planned. I had to make a bunch of phone calls for RU-she was just too upset to do it. Nor was she home, she was out w/her hubby and called me.

We had one boarder, CC, that had health problems, and we rarely ever saw her. She had just one horse and he was full board since she couldn't care for him. I don't even think she could ride him. Recently, she had 2 operations-a gastric bypass, then a gall bladder operation. And, she wasn't doing good. She had gone to the hospital last week. Her kidneys were shutting down, so they put her in the ICU overnight-then sent her home. Her husband found her dead in bed the next day.

While she couldn't come to the farm, she called RU practically every day. I'm sure RU was wondering why she hadn't called for a couple of days. Then her husband called and told her what happened. RU was so upset she could just barely talk. And, she wanted everyone to know, so she called me and asked me to let everyone know. By the time I was able to get a hold of everyone and then get home, it was getting dark, so I didn't do that. But, it won't take long. So, my list for today:

1. Work on living room
2. Normal farm chores
3. Hold horses for farrier
4. Lime section of the field
5. Work on small chicken house
6. Clean field and spread manure
7. Work w/horses
8. Finish marking out orchard
9. Work in garden
10. Work on weeding flower garden
11. Dishes
12. Feed goats and chicks
13. Clean out brooder, let it dry then put it away (unless my duck eggs hatch)

I feel like I'm missing something but that's only because I don't have a ton to do. I'm caught up on laundry. There's not really anything work wise out at the farm that I need to do. So, not only is there a light at the end of the tunnel, I think there's also some blue sky!

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