Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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We're hanging in there - thanks for asking. :)

DH is still inconstant pain, but I guess he's getting used to it... if you can. He can get in and out of a chair by himself now. We went back to the doc Thursday and they increased his pain meds. We have another follow-up with the ER doc on Friday and an apt. with his primary care doc on Tuesday.

While we were out Thursday we stopped by a Volvo dealership to take a quick look at a new car. DH waited while I test drove a car, but he fell in love with a different version of the car that I test drove. Of course, the car he loves is a much fancier version that gets less gas mileage and costs much more than the car I drove. But, I'd still get it for him if the dealership hadn't tried to sc*** is in the short time we were there. I sent a scathing email to the salesman and made sure to copy the Pres/CEO of the dealership on the email.

I got Lil Bit buried, but with all the rain we've had I couldn't get the hole very deep cuz I hit standing water. So, I did the best I could only to go out a couple days later after a 6+inch rainfall to find that she had partially floated out of the hole... omg! :sick Can this week get any worse?

I had put eggs in the incubator before we left on vacation and had a pretty good hatch. I've got 20+ chicks out of the 30 or so eggs I put in there. I had tossed a few early as they were infertile and out of the ones left had about a 85% hatch. I think I've even got some meaty crosses in the bunch.

I'm milking Chanel every day now, but only once a day, and getting almost two quarts per milking. Not bad...and it's plenty of milk for DH and I.

Gonna put a pot roast in the crock pot for tomorrow, so I want to go get that ready tonight. I'm going to try very hard to work an entire day tomorrow. DH is going to try and work from home. Guess he really doesn't have much choice, lol. He's not fit for driving and even if he were, he's got no car. We should have payment for his car by tomorrow or Tuesday. It was totaled...


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Glad yall are hanging in there. I hope things smooth out for a while. I hope the insurance company gives you a good deal on the value of the car you had! We've had pretty good luck (not sure that's a good thing to say...) getting payments from totaled vehicles.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I can say that the car settlement is a bright spot in a dreary week, lol. We are actually getting about 3K more for the car than we paid for it. Can't beat that deal, but certainly don't want to repeat it.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
That was our experience, too actually. We were over paid by over 1000 for the value of the Explorer that was totaled and got paid more for the cavalier that was totaled with my ex than he paid for it originally! I think the insurance companies know that the vehicle has to be replaced, and you can't replace it for the exact value.
So glad that you got a good amount!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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:hugs Was just checking in and read this - so sorry about... well, all of it FEM! God may not give us more than we can handle, but sometimes he sure tests the limits!!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
You are right about that SS....

Things are kinda, sorta settling down. We've got his car all picked out and it's a whole lot more car than I wanted, but I'm kinda into 'spoiling' him right now. And, I've gotta say I'm getting a heck of a deal on this car. I checked out the true car pricing and the deal I'm getting is below their recommendation for "best price available". But, I raised H.E. (double) L to get it.

Why do some car salesman just automatically think you're stoooopid? And, also because they knew we were in a position where we have to buy a car....and they knew we were gonna get a big, fat insurance check they thought they could play me for a dummy. Well, I called 'em on it in a big way. Sent a couple emails to the salesman and on the last one I copied the Owner and General Manager. Guess what?! It worked, lol.

I'm not the type that usually lets emotions get into a business deal, but by the time I got through with them they were crying more than me. They are not the type of dealership that preys on old women, injured men, or anything else... (as if!) But, long story short - I got the car for OVER $1500 less than what "true car" website says is an unusually low price! Alright - about time something started going right around here! We're going to pick it up Saturday. DH is so excited he wanted to get it today, but he forgets that he cries like a little girl every time he even has to ride in my truck (only a slight exaggeration) - I don't think he's ready to drive yet, lol.

On the home front - baby chickens are growing. I need to get them separated because the bin they are in is getting smaller by the minute. I noticed today that WallyWorld has got their fall plants in. I need to pick up some broccoli and cabbage plants at a minimum. But worse than that - I need to clean up some garden space to plant them in. I'm sure hoping I have time to do that soon.

DH's mom was released from the rehab place this week. Bless her heart - she wanted to come to our house and take care of DH. I love that woman like my own mom but I cannot have a house guest right now. She's pretty much fully recovered from the stroke and I'm so glad. We're all so thankful that it wasn't more serious. She's walking and showering on her own now. The only signs that she had a stroke are just a little slurred speech, and that's only when she's tired. She's an awesome lady, and very strong.

After we heard she had the stroke, we were making plans to move her in with us. She values her independence, so thankfully we don't have to face that decision for a while. Having said all that - I'm just not ready for a house guest right now. I think another couple weeks and we'll be close to normal again. Well, actually -- we'll never be normal -- we kinda like being weird, lol!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Good for you for sticking to your guns. I hate it when sales people try and play games.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I simply could not tolerate being yanked around by a salesman when my life has been so crazy lately! We should pick up the car tomorrow and I'll be really glad when I walk out of there.

DH had a doc appointment yesterday and mentioned to the doc that his left hand is still really swollen and extremely painful. So, they sent us for x-rays (seems they neglected his hand when they did the original scan). Got a call from their office today that they want to see him Monday. Can't be good news can it? Besides being swollen the finger is angled off somewhat away from his other fingers. Ugh...

He went for a walk today and managed over a mile - took him awhile, but he did it! His spirits are good, but he's so tired of hurting... I'm tired of him hurting. It's hard to watch someone you care for be in constant pain. But, he his making progress and that's so much better than the alternative!

In all the confusion that has become my life, I totally forgot to separate two little bucklings from the herd. ARGH! I had tossed them and their mother out with the herd before vacation. I noticed them yesterday when they were chasing around some of the girls - so I snatched 'em up and penned em with the other bucks. Besides being waaay past weaning time - I'm guessing they're totally fertile by this time also. My hope is that they aren't tall enough to have bred anybody (but I'm not holding my breath, lol). May be a population explosion at my house sometime around February next year.

Baby chickens are feathering out and because they are living in the breezeway I've shut off their light. Seem to be doing fine without it and I'm saving some electricity as a bonus.

We've had so much rain lately that it's just depressing. For at least two days in the last month I was able to go out to the barn area without rubber boots.....can't say that anymore. Hopefully, we're through with the rain for awhile, even though we have a small chance through tomorrow. I'm on the lookout for some serious sunshine! :fl