Herbal Studies


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
So a close family member of mine, who was never really a heavy smoker, but still a smoker, all the same came to my house today and questioned me on my cigarette making. Apparently DS gave her a few of my different combinations and she liked them. She decided on 100% herbal, tobacco free cigs. She said, sometimes she just likes to smoke, to calm her nerves and her common sense told her that if she was smoking a cigarette that might actually help her with something, rather than hurt her, why wouldn't she do it?. Well, I don't guess she is a typical smoker, but I'm happy.
I found some herbs to help prevent miscarriage.....black haw, maca, false unicorn root and cramp bark. I was going to order some of these, but I happened to find a tincture which included all of these herbs, already prepared, so I ordered it. My godchild told me she had an appointment scheduled Thurs and her first visit would cost her $1,000. I couldn't believe it. She told me that the insurance she had didn't cover maternity, so she was going to see if she could apply for medicaid. I don't get it. Something about the Affordable Healthcare Act seems to be a contradiction in terms here. I told her not to go to her appointment....cancel it and we would take care of her herbally and that I had miscarried twice and that was with having access to doctors and they used to say that its just natures was of doing away with a weak child, etc....but that we weren't even told anything was wrong with her, so I fixed her a cup of chamomile tea and we talked about the future. She will apply for other assistance and get her medical care when it won't cost her a month's salary. I'd understand $1,000 for the whole 9 month's care, to pay what the insurance won't....assuming she gets covered, but not $1,000 on her first visit.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
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I was reading your posts and I just wanted to mention that those rose petals you dried are probably from commercial roses and have a good chance of being contaminated with pesticide/insecticide residues. Using them in herbal cigs may not be a good idea. I think I read that 90% of the commercial roses sold in the US are from South America and you rally don't know what they treat them with.

I have been reading this thread for a while and really appreciate the information that you are sharing with us. Is there a herbal/medicinal reason for the rose petals or is it just for a flavor enhancement.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Thanx. Actually I was in a pinch and the first batch was done as an experiment, but I do have a friend that has a rugosa rose hedge and she has offered to call me when her roses are in bloom. Roses have medicinal value for some things. I know they are good for the eyes, in the treatment of conjunctivitis and they pop up at various places in the study of herbs, but in this case the only mention the herbist gave was that it gave a sweeter smoke. The herbist's claim is that any flower that is a certain color will do certain things due to the color pattern, so if you trying to make a sedative, you want a purple flower or blue flower. I can't recall all of the attributes and not sure what it will do with smoking, but my friend has blue roses growing. The church gave me a combination, but it was mostly red.
As far as medicinal value goes for cigarette smoking, the main herb that is helping my friends, co-workers and family is the mullein, which is a mucolytic. I regret not making my mother some cigarettes. If you have a family member with any form of COPD and they still basically killing themselves, you might want to take my herb list and fly with it. You could save a life or 2 and help their pocket books. I'd have to say when you can't breath properly, a lot of things must be left undone, so seems to me if someone is helped by a cigarette, then the closets can get cleaned, the dishes can get washed, supper can be cooked, etc......just because they have more O2 in their bloodstream. This is all wishful thinking, but still.....
My contacts have a variety of opinions as to liking and disliking the cigs. Some have a very open mind about it. I would think that if someone buys a cigarette making machine (again, it costs under 50 on amazon), that they can catch back all their expenses in a month and then the real savings will start and thats not even going the herbal route.....the herbal route would save them even more, including their lives. But as an added bonus, they could allow close family members to come over with their tubes and tobacco and make use of the machine. Don't know about all of ya'll but I have relatives that I've had to rescue many times and if you can take a $150 + habit and turn it into a $50 habit, then they just might not need you for other things. J/S.