Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Didn't have time to post yesterday. I went to Bible study in the morning, the hay auction in the afternoon then out w/CMA in the evening. So, my time was kind of full. And today promises to be busy as well. It's supposed to be a fairly nice day today, so I'm hoping to get a lot done both at home and at the farm. I already have a load of clothes in the washer and they'll be going out on the line. Other than putting clean sheets on the bed, and dishes, I may not get much more housework done.

Since I didn't get any hay yesterday, I'm not going to work on the hay shelter today. Instead, I'm going to get done as much of the new chicken house as I can. Then tomorrow, I'll be taking the chickens I have here back to the farm. I'm hoping that I won't have a problem adding them back to the flock. I'll also have them marked so I know which ones they are. I won't keep these 3 for another winter.

I'm going to try and get a lot done in the flower gardens once I get home. I'm planning on having a yard sale on Saturday. I want the front cleaned up as much as possible. Tomorrow they're calling for shower, so I'll probable be doing a lot inside. Then on Friday, I'll be taking stuff outside and getting it set up. Anything I don't sell will go straight to a thrift store.

I'm also hoping to get some done in the garden once I no longer have the chickens here. If I can get my stuff planted, then any extra starts I have I can sell in my yard sale. Anything that doesn't sell, I can take to the hay auction. There were a lot of starts yesterday, and they went for fairly good prices. Next year I want to have some different colored bell peppers as well as different hot peppers in 6 packs and see if I can sell them for a good price. I just didn't have the time to mess w/it this year. I might also try to have stuff like orange and purple cauliflowers, sweet potatoes slips, etc.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, I got most of my chicken house framed out! I needed to do one more board. KN let me borrow her drill and I had to cut and put in one more board when her drill died so I called it a day, or so I thought. I went to round up my chickens. I had 2 that were on the wrong side of the fence and they couldn't figure out how to get back in. One was easy, the other not. It took me at least me at least 10 minutes to get her in.

The horses have been ducking under the wire I have up to keep them out of part of the field. I thought I had it fixed so they couldn't do it. Much to my surprise, Stormy got in there B4 I had a chance to leave! So I had to redo that. But I think I have it fixed now so they can't get under. I had to put up another wire. The top one is more of a rope. The bottom is wire and it seems to be better at shocking them. I'll find out in the morning how it worked.

I was finally able to leave. Got home, relaxed for a bit then started working outside. I was raking up some leaves when hubby decided to put his cart together. That way, I could hook the cart up to the mower, fill it up w/leaves and dump them in a spot in the backyard until I'm able to chip them up. While I was waiting, I started weeding the one flower garden. I got most of it done and went looking for hubby. I wasn't expecting it to take him that long to put the cart together. So, I started to help him. Only problem being, he needed to get a belt on my mower, so I took over on putting the cart together, and he got the belt on the mower. The mower is now in my horse trailer and the cart is together.

I was able to catch all 3 hens. They're now in my old rabbit cage. They'll be going out to the farm in the morning.

I didn't do any dishes. I was just too beat to do them. I'm relaxing for a bit B4 heading for bed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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They've changed the forecast. Instead of the nice sunny day they were calling for, we're supposed to get showers then rain. I actually don't mind. We really need the rain. I just hope it holds off long enough for me to get some stuff done. I have both my dump cart and manure spreader full. I need to empty those, then refill the spreader. Once that's done, I can FINALLY mow the weeds in my field. I'll also do some mowing in the parking area if I can.

Then I'll go back to working on my chicken house. I doubt I'll get done, but it will be closer. I'm supposed to have a riding lesson this afternoon, but I don't think that's going to happen. So, if it starts to rain B4 I'm ready to leave the farm, I'll just spend the rest of the time straightening out my tack shed. Once I get the chicken house and my hay shelter done, I'll be working on the lean to hubby keeps promising to make. I'm tired of waiting on him. I can't keep stuff organized since I don't have the lean to. What wood I have for that is in the feed stall. I get the wood out of there, I can finally get that organized and have my tack in there as well. Then I can get my shed cleaned out, finished and organized, but that's not for today.

When I get home, I'm going to be doing a ton of housework. I need to do the dishes, clean the bathroom, then I'll be sorting stuff out for the yard sale.

I want to leave early, so I need to get some breakfast and get out of here.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The rain started earlier than they were calling for. But, I was able to get the manure dumped, then fill up the speader again and spread that. W/that done, I got my field mowed. Because the weeds had gotten so high, the mower wasn't able to get all of them cut short, but it's better than it was. Next week, I'll mow again, but go the other direction. Hopefully that will pretty much have the field looking good.

I just barely got that all done when it started to rain. So, I got stuff undercover, dropped the trailer, finished up everything I needed to do and left. I didn't have my lesson today. I ran a couple of errands after that, including buying flowers. They'll be going in on Saturday-I hope!

I was going to do a ton of housework when I got home, but I was beat. So, I made a late lunch-early dinner, then took a nap. Once I got up, I got bread started, then fed animals, did some dishes and cleaned the bathroom.

Feeding the animals this evening felt kind of weird. I took the chickens out to the farm. They settled back into the flock w/out many problems. But, I didn't lock them in tonight. The house was already crowded, now I've added 3 more birds and it was raining. So I just made sure they were all in my field. Later this summer, I'll hand raise some chicks, and keep 2 of the for here.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today is going to be a nice day, so I should get a lot done. At the farm, I need to work on my 2nd chicken house. I should be able to get most, if not all of it done-except the roof and then paint it. I just hope I have enough paint. Then if I have time, once it's dry, I can put the roof on and open up that section.

Then I'll be doing some cleaning at home. I need to finish raking a couple of spots in the yard as well as bring out all the boxes of stuff I have for the yard sale and hopefully clean up more. If we hadn't had rain yesterday, I would have had more done, but it is what it is.

Since I need it to warm up a bit B4 I can leave, I'll be doing dishes this morning. I may also wash and hang out a load of clothes. I plan on taking the bike, and it's a tad bit nippy out there-46*!


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I just found out that the Boy Scouts in our area will help with yard work and stuff like that. I wonder if they do the same in your area? If you could get some help with some of your chores, maybe you wouldn't be so tired...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Don't know if they have that available here or not. But, it's something to think about.

For some reason I'm tired. It's not like I did that much today. I washed dishes this morning. I washed and hung out a load of clothes and repotted the last of my starts.

After I got that done I went to the farm. I got everyone fed, let the horses out into the parking area and worked on my chicken house. I got most of it done! I've made a couple of mistakes, but nothing too bad. I'm actually quite proud of myself for how it looks. I need to make and attach the nesting boxes, paint everything, put the roosts in, put the doors on and put the roof on. Then my chickens will be able to use it.

Got home and raked up a bunch of leaves that were in the front and side lawn. Then I hauled out some stuff for my yard sale. I would have liked to have had more, but the rain yesterday messed me up.

I also pulled a few handfuls of ragweed and fed it to the goats. That doesn't take long, so I'm going to try and pull some up everyday.

I've had my shower, and now I'm relaxing a bit. I'm getting up at the normal time in the morning so I can finish getting everything all set up.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
Deb, I rarely know what to say when I read your journal - you do so much in so little time! I had to laugh at your list of "not very much today"! It's still a lot!

How was the sale?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I sold some stuff, made $22.00, then took a truck load over to someone who lives on a main road and wanted it. She gave me a couple of plywood bins in exchange. For me, it was a win-win situation. I got rid of the stuff, and I need the bins. They're 3/4" plywood and I use the wood for building stuff. I needed some to finish my chicken house, and need more to build the rest of them.

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