hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
My mom is getting the same weather now down in NC, FEM, and she's enjoying it too!
We're still under this giant gray rain cloud. It just won't go away! Got another 1/4" last night! I didn't hear it, I passed out!
Got quite a few things done yesterday despite feeling a bit scattered. I managed to get the bedroom picked up quite a bit (not quite enough to vacuum, but at least its better). I got the 2 loads of laundry that were hanging to dry folded, and then got 2 more loads washed and hung. I went awall on the laundry room because I got so sick of tripping on stuff in there and not being able to get to the dryer due to the junk that was sitting all over the floor. Sorted through a bunch of stuff on the shelves and got rid of quite a few things. I had 2 open bags of baking soda, which could all fit into 1 bag, so that got consolidated. I cleaned up in the kitchen a bit, and then picked up a little bit in the house.
The BF's boss that he works for part time called him frantic about getting some hay, so we arranged to sell him a brick of small bales, and then I frantically cleaned up some more just in the odd chance that they came in the house. I went ahead and prepared most of the night chores so that it would be done because as I guessed we stood around talking for a bit longer than we really should have. They left and I went into the house and got the last few things done and then heated up the cinnamon rolls that we were having as a snack/treat (mostly to eat them and get them out of the house!), and so we indulged in that before we finally crashed into bed.
I switched my work day this week because I have to take Toby to the vet because he's been limping really badly, something is wrong with his paw and I can't figure out what it is. DB checked him over and couldn't see anything, but since he isn't better (and is periodically worse) I'll take him to her office and have xrays done to see if we can figure it out. But that gives me tomorrow to keep working on things.
Of course its raining so stinking much that I can't get anything done outside. We desperately need to catch up on some stuff on the farm, including planning out the chicken coop and getting what we need for that, but we don't have the time to get it done because we're always running or its raining! This weekend is mother's day, so I suspect we're going to end up spending way too much time with his family on Sunday to get much done, but I guess we'll see what happens.
I guess I'd better get back to work...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm tired of the rain as well. I'm growing webbed feet and a bill.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I hope you don't get used to it! We've had so much rain for so long I don't even know how to walk on dry ground anymore, lol! But, I gotta say that walking in the mud for months, and months, and months...is a really good leg and butt workout, lol!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
LOL, you're right about that... also ripe for tweaking something when you slip!
FINALLY it dried out! Friday was the worst though, steady rain pretty much all day. We got about 1 1/4" total.
Thursday I took Toby to the vet, thankfully it wasn't raining when I had him out! Found out he had a cyst between his toes, poor guy. So she told me to soak it in epsom salts, and gave me some meds. I didn't bother with the drugs and then put other goop on it and it is healing nicely. Bear has gone down hill though instead. He isn't eating right, and is wimpering, panting, and really restless. I need to get a urine sample on him and then we'll see whats going on. DB did say I could give him some of the previcox that she gave me for Toby for his cyst to see if it helps Bear. I hope so because he woke me up at 3:00 this morning crying out, so I took him outside thinking maybe he had to go, he did, but not bad, and I didn't go back to sleep until after the BF left this morning, which was at 5 and I had to be up at 6... I changed my alarm to a little later, but it didn't really help.
Saturday I was a bit down most of the day. The BF was working his second job, which was helpful, but I was really lonely. It got pretty bad when I found out that not only was he working in the morning, but then he had to go back in the evening again. I didn't get a whole lot done, though I did get a few things here and there. I spent some time in the evening hanging out with my boarder, which made me feel a little better. They stuck around while I fed the horses, too, so that was nice.
Sunday I busted butt and cleaned the house while the BF busted his butt mowing (YAY FOR NO RAIN!!!) and then weed whacked most of our paddock and barn yard areas. I fixed brunch for the BF's mom and dad, and they came over about noon. We hung out for a while until the BF and I left to go get him another acupuncture treatment. He felt better afterwards, and we grabbed dinner out and he wanted to run by Dicks, but they were already closed. We got home and fed the horses and then crashed into bed. My not so great sleeping night is not serving me well right now.
Saturday evening when I was feeling down I happened across some posts on facebook from a gal who was using oracle cards. It reminded me to go pull out my Way of the Horse cards, and pull a card since I've been struggling with filling the barn back up again and being torn about working on my next evolution of my business. Welllll drawing the card was a pretty clear smack in the face that I need to stop worrying about boarding and really focus on my business and self development so I can move on and start making money that way. I just need to trust the universe that its going to provide, and buckle down and do it. I'm a little leery of investing too much money before I make money, but if that's what I need to do, then that's what I need to do. Hopefully things will shift and come together quickly, but we'll see.
I did have someone come visit the barn yesterday afternoon, and she's planning on bringing her trainer back, so we'll see if that pans out. If it does it would be her plus another horse, so that would give me 4 boarded, and that would be enough, I wouldn't need to necessarily fill the other 2 stalls. I felt really good about her visit, so keep your fingers crossed that this comes through so I can move onward and upward!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
When will you know if she's going to board or not?


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
She's not :( She said she had a meeting with the manager and apparently things aren't going to change like she though, so she's going to stick with where she is. Really bummed because I really liked her.
Got another meeting with someone tomorrow afternoon, I think. Its a self care person, but they are interested in co-op, which could be good to help give me a little more of a break again. We'll see.
I've been doing a lot of investing in me lately, which is a good thing, and I think I'm finally at a point where I'm really ready to take the plunge and work on my next phase of business. I paid the down payment on the coaching program that I am going to use to get my crowd source funding campaign off the ground to pay for my learning so I can start running this business the way I want to. I'll be doing animal communication and energy healing for people and animals once I get it going. In the mean time I've got to do quite a bit of investing in me to figure out how to make all this happen and gain the skills that I need. I'm pretty certain at this point the universe is telling me the door is closing on the boarding so I'd better get this next phase figured out so I can stay afloat! I'm scared, but trying very hard to trust the universe that this is where I'm supposed to be going.
Just got in the office this morning and my coworker that I am supposed to be covering for tomorrow is out today, and was yesterday, too, because her mom is sick. She's supposed to go on vacation tomorrow but I have a feeling that will be cancelled. That means more work for me, but there won't be as many people hanging over my shoulder, so at least I can do what I want as long as I get the brunt of the work done.
Yesterday evening the BF was supposed to get off work early since he had a light day and was going to go with me to get my truck aligned and get the front tires balanced. He got done with his run super early, but then they sent him out again. He didn't leave to head home until 5:30 and then the tunnel was closed so he was way delayed. He didn't get home until after 7, by that time I had sat there waiting for my truck and it was done. It drives MUCH better now, but that was $125.00 I REALLY didn't want to spend!
Got home and attempted to feed the horses. They decided to be STUPID and run around like idiots until they were really hot, which meant I couldn't feed them. It was almost 8 by that time, and so I put them back out on the grass and left to go feed my friend's horses and find some dinner. The BF and I were supposed to get dinner together while my truck was being worked on, but that didn't happen. We got home so late and he decided to do some of his exercises and so I cleaned up and got ready for bed. Then he had to mess with his phone because it wasn't acting right, and I finally just fell alseep.
I slept good, but I'm really tired this morning. I'm not thrilled about having to take care of all this other stuff, but I guess it is what it is. Making money, so what can I say.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Having someone in as a co-op would probably work well. We used to have that kind of set up at the farm.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I think so, Deb. It would free up more of my time to get a lot of other stuff done if she takes part of the week and I take the other part. Keep your fingers crossed that its a good meeting. She's got 3 horses so it would fill my barn enough that I can manage ok without needing more and keep me stable enough that I can move forward with the rest of my business stuff and feel much better. She texted me and wants to meet tonight at 6. We'll see what happens with the weather...
Yesterday was a LONG day in the office. I think between the weather being so cloudy and gray and the fact that I've been doing a lot of personal work, I'm just exhausted. I was so tired last night. I slept like the dead and could have kept sleeping. The cat moved a chair under the table and it woke me up, but at least I was able to sort of meditate for a few minutes and then get up and get started with my morning. I managed to get to work early, and if I work all day today then I'll work an extra hour, which they'll have to tack onto next pay check since it finalizes today and they've already been submitted.
I'm supposed to jump judge for a cross country show tomorrow, but I don't know what their rain plan is. I don't think it is supposed to rain in the morning, but I'm not sure what they'll do if we get a ton of rain today. They're calling for pretty bad storms, possible hail this afternoon. Fun stuff.
I happened to inquire with the insurance broker that I used to work with about getting my own insurance again if the BF changes jobs. They put my info into the system, and I found out that because I only show the office job as my official income I qualify for medical assistance through the state, which means I pay nothing. He swears its great insurance, but my experiences dealing with it here in the office tell me that it is very very limited. If you need anything outside of the ordinary they plain won't pay for it. At that point it would be 100% out of my own pocket. There is no deductible, though, and everything is covered at 100% for what they actually do cover. They don't pay the doctors crap, but I can't do anything about that. I'm going to have to check in with all my doctors and find out if they participate with the plan to see if it makes sense. It would save us over $100.00 per month if I switch, which would be a pretty big deal. I need to finish investigating that today while I'm on a computer. That's a little bit of bright news in the midst of all this other stuff.
Back to covering in the office today, and I need to get on top of some of this work to make sure I can get it done before I'll be alone this afternoon.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Well, I don't expect that Friday's potential boarder visit will pan out. She's also talking to TM who has her farm around the corner. TM is cheaper, so I suspect she'll go with her. I did have another visit on Sunday morning that was really lovely. It was actually with a gal who had boarded with TM a while ago, but needed a different space. She was actually looking more for a friend of hers than for herself and her daughter, but they loved the place, so we'll see. Keep your fingers crossed because I could really use the boost!
Saturday the BF worked most of the day. I went to a local show and jump judged out on the cross country course. It was really cute to see the little kids coming with their ponies, and the encouragement they gave to them when they went over. The weather was gorgeous, but was turning ahead of the storms as I left. The winds really kicked up and we had some storms roll through, but thankfully nothing like they were predicting (hail!) so that was a relief. I felt pretty bad when I got home so I crashed for a nap and ended up sleeping for 3 hours until the BF came home. We futzed around and ate some dinner, and then he decided he wanted to go over to TM's to finish fixing her old bulldozer so it would run again. He got real irritated and couldn't figure it out, but finally got it running. It was so late that by that time I drove down to the other farm to feed my friend's horses and he stayed at home to feed our horses. Our horses decided to be stupid again and ran around like idiots until they got too hot to be fed. I've got to talk to my trainer about that and see what advice she has to give me. He left to go finish working and I pretty much crashed into bed.
Sunday morning we woke up nice and lazy, and then thankfully my phone reminded me that I had another person coming to visit the farm again. I met with them and had a really nice visit. The BF got an emergency call from the part time job that he needed help, so he went back to work again in the morning. I got finished with the visit and did some laundry, and ate lunch, and then crashed again. I have no idea why I have been so tired, but the two naps really helped! I got up when the BF got home, and he wanted to go down and practice driving the big rig again, so I went with him. He did good, but I was kinda bored, and then he made me stand outside in the crazy wind (I hate wind..) and watch him, which I have no idea why because I wasn't really doing anything. I did take a couple videos with my almost dead phone, which was helpful to him to see what he was doing later. He got really frustrated (he practiced for too long, I think), and so we finally quit and drove around the corner to my friend's farm to feed, and then drove around the corner to my other friend's farm for dinner. We laughed about the fact that I'm always in her house when she's not there. She had a great meal, and we had a good time. It was pretty apparent that she was really lonely because her husband is away over seas doing work for months at a time. So we made plans to get together at least once a month, and she has offered to help me with some cooking things so I can get a little more variety to our meal options.
She also picked up some plants for me on Saturday morning at a sale while I was jump judging. She got a lot of tomatoes and some cukes, which I am excited about. We talked about trading food, and she was happy to offer her gourmet kitchen for me to come cook in, which is pretty rocking awesome. I was SO glad that I asked the BF to bring them into the house last night when we got home because it was 32 this morning with a hard frost! What the heck!?! No wonder I don't feel so good, the weather is screwy, the cosmic energy is screwy, and things are just wonky!
I don't feel like I got much done this weekend, but I think I just really needed to recharge my batteries, so that was a good thing. Hopefully this week won't be too flurried and I can continue to catch up and make forward progress. Step one: figure out business so I can make money!!