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  1. peteyfoozer

    Cattle panel greenhouse

    We have hi winds here, so I sandwiched the plastic between the cattle panels. Took twice the panels but when I built it they were still cheap
  2. peteyfoozer

    Things you can't say without an explanation

    I was just thinking this today as I processed Jeffrey Dahmer the rabid.
  3. peteyfoozer

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Wish I could knit! These are beautiful?
  4. peteyfoozer


    I’m waiting for them to bring beef home from the butcher. I’ll can a lot of stew meat and hamburger then. I need to can a bunch of potatoes too. It’s such a godsend to have canned food on the shelf when I’m ______ (too sick, in pain, exhausted, lazy, ornery, forgot to take anything out of the...
  5. peteyfoozer

    Life Skills for Kids?

    Welding, woodworking, canning, economics, Constitution, cooking, baking, sewing, some auto mechanics, changing tires, oil, etc. riding, husbandry, foraging, herbal medicines and gun safety
  6. peteyfoozer

    What are some eco-friendly and mindful gift ideas for a conscious Christmas celebration?

    Sourdough loaves. Or regular homemade bread or Maybe even something like this… Adults, we make a liqueur using Frangelico and everyone wants it every year Kids, I make something. Toys or clothes or girls get a cute cookbook or cardfile with recipes...
  7. peteyfoozer

    Memes That Make You Giggle

    Cookies, right? 😂
  8. peteyfoozer

    Peeing in nest box

    I’m here! Sorry about being out of touch! Had a tough week then trying to get the house clean because we are having a VISITOR!!! …you ever get the feeling someone is watching you? ….
  9. peteyfoozer

    Peeing in nest box

    Not hanging wire, just a huge grow out cage on a stand that we divided into (4) 2’x4’ sections
  10. peteyfoozer

    Peeing in nest box

    My doe had 3 good falls offs Sept 24. I put nesting box in with her last Monday (28 days) All she wants to do is pee in it and isn’t pulling fur…what should I do about her peeing in it? There are just a little soft pine shavings over cardboard in it
  11. peteyfoozer

    My new Dog

    Looks like he chose you. Once they own you like that, you can’t give them up. It’s like when we pasted construction paper together in kindergarten. Can’t do it without tearing both pieces. He looks like a ❤️ love. Maybe even a blessing! 😂
  12. peteyfoozer

    What Did You Dehydrate Today?

    Wondering how many beans you need to plant to get 20-40 lb? I like the idea and think I have the garden space…I’m dehydrating more Comfrey today because I sold out on Comfrey Salve again!
  13. peteyfoozer

    Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey

    Well dang, guess I must be saltier than you cuz the sweat running into my eyes burns me blind! Of course I don’t sweat from roofing my home in triple digit weather, I sweat walking to the kitchen 😂
  14. peteyfoozer

    AHHHH! Why can't I make yogurt?

    Mine is a Yogourmet. I got it because I go thru a LOT of yogurt and it makes 2 quarts at a time in one big container. Not sure if you would like that or not, but here is the link...
  15. peteyfoozer

    Sheep Vs. Goat's Vs. Cows

    I have all 3. I am giving up the goats, however, as they keep tearing down fences and are much harder to deal with. The cow provides more year round, but we love lamb and the hair sheep are so low maintenance. Hair sheep are not seasonal breeders, so you can get 3 lamb crops in 2 years. Mine...
  16. peteyfoozer

    why do you own horses?

    I had a love for horses ever since I was a kid. I lived in the #1 drug center in the country as a kid, but my activities with horses kept me out of that mess. Boys and everything else took a back seat to my riding. I spent every free minute with them and trained show horses and riders for 30...