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  1. Leah123

    Essential oils for soap-making

    Thanks for your reply! If I scent with essential oils, will the smell not hang to my skin? Is homemade soap really worth making?
  2. Leah123

    Essential oils for soap-making

    Hi Can I use any essential oils to make homemade goat soap? Or are there other ways to scent it?
  3. Leah123

    Making homemade soap

    Hi, I want to make homemade soap, But does anyone know where I can get Lye and Glycerin?
  4. Leah123

    Hello Angry Hen! It's Leah567

    Hello Angry Hen! It's Leah567
  5. Leah123

    Hiccup remedy.

    If you have the hiccups, and want to get rid of them, than take a spoonful of sugar and swallow it down. This will instantly get rid of the hiccups!
  6. Leah123

    Homemade Chapstick

    I'm gonna try this!
  7. Leah123

    New member.

    Yeah.. I haven't fished in awhile. But I bake a lot
  8. Leah123

    New member.

    That's a great question!!! I mostly like fishing or baking
  9. Leah123

    New member.

    Thanks everyone! I'm learning a lot already from here!
  10. Leah123

    New member.

    Hello! I'm a new member and would enjoy learning from here. I'm also a member of backyard herds, backyard chickens, and the easy garden!