Recent content by 1acrefarm

  1. 1

    LED Lighting Is Really Here!

    I am glad the tech on leds is getting better but I will have to pass for now. 130 bucks is probably around what the lighting portion of my bill costs a year.
  2. 1

    FORD, didnt take our money and opening a new plant!!

    You can tell me the so called foreign stuff is better all you want but I don't buy it. the small Toyota trucks share an assembly line with chevy S-10s. You have mazdas coming off ford lines. Fords coming off Mazda lines. Chrysler and Mitsubishi have shared many lines. If two brands share the...
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    FORD, didnt take our money and opening a new plant!!

    I agree but you really have to do your research to do that. It would be better to buy a toyota made in Indiana than a ford, chevy or dodge made in other nations.
  4. 1

    HAVE THE RECENT ECONOMIC CHANGES made you rethink your 10 yr. plan?

    I plan to do the best I can however I can. Things are only getting worse.
  5. 1

    Half gallon beer bottle-uses?

    Make your own beer and store it in the jug.;)
  6. 1

    Cannabis as medicine for real, anyone?

    Good for you. I am glad you are using natural pain management instead of all those dangerous pills.
  7. 1

    Turn Off Your Cell Phones....

    Some people do take advantage. Some poor people have that cell phone as an exclusive phone. In some cases the cell is cheaper than a landline. Some also may be required by their job to carry it. I will not judge.
  8. 1

    Cannabis as medicine for real, anyone?

    Alcohol is very bad for you.
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    Cannabis as medicine for real, anyone?

    Neither of these drugs are hallucinogens. If you are a nurse you should know that.
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    Cannabis as medicine for real, anyone?

    One other point to add. Many times when you go to the doctor you are actually paying to be a lab rat. The fda pushes this crap through as a revolutionary new cure. People go to the doctor to get this miracle cure. The doctor happily prescribes it to them thinking its doing to help and...
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    Cannabis as medicine for real, anyone?

    Why should you mess with something in its near perfect state and heavily process it into a pill? Too many people take a pill for this and a pill for that. Many pills have loads of side effects. I can't stand putting anything unnatural in my body. As for Insurance paying for it many don't have...
  12. 1

    Cannabis as medicine for real, anyone?

    I maintain in moderate amounts it is great for you. Would I mess with it, no. Too many legal repercussions involved in it.