Recent content by chocolate m'scovy

  1. C

    Curing winter squash

    Yes, I agree with patandchickens- turnips grow quite readily- more so than anything else it seems. :( I guess with root vegetables, I far prefer beets. They are still underground though.
  2. C

    Curing winter squash

    Well, I don't think they got hit that hard, so I rescued them and they are happily hibernating in the basement. Butternuts and acorns. :) (and the somewhat less romantic turnips, but here I digress...)
  3. C

    Curing winter squash

    Will its edibility be altered if we eat them before they turn a rich healthy amber? Or will they simply have diminished storage qualities? Also, what happens if they get touched ( or blasted :rolleyes: ) with frost?
  4. C

    Physical Education & Home Schooling

    We just wrote in our portfolioes, "hard outside yard work, running, etc." :D The school district accepted them.... so.... Do you moms have any: weeding? leaf-raking? log-chopping? mowing, etc. to get done? Up and at 'em! ( All them kids, that is. :D)