Recent content by DaMommaBean

  1. D

    How would this work for sprouter? And how to use it?

    where do you get the alfalfa seeds? like at the farm store...? I have always loved the sprouts and have just bought them in the store.
  2. D

    We got our first egg!!

    My kids saw the movie "Kit Kittridge an American Girl Dolls Adventure". Now they want to be "egg sellers". We are in the process of working on our coop. My oldest son is really "eggsited" about the building job he is doing for our coop. My 2 middle ones are trying to fix up a scooter to ride...
  3. D

    FREE Food grade 5 gal. buckets for food storage=IDEA

    I will be hitting the local stores in the morning!!! I have only found them for sale for about $5...
  4. D

    Yee haw. Y'all check out my $12 greenhouse. :)

    I just happen to have a old wooden swing in the back yard. My dear hubby keeps trying to put it on the burn pile. Of course, I keep telling him I am going to something "really cool" with it. Now, I know what! Thanks what an awesome idea!!!! Like everyone else in America, my hubby (only...