Recent content by leolady

  1. L

    Raised vs tilled?

    I have raised beds for all of my vegetables and they are no till. I am getting too old to do all the bending for tilled regular gardening.;)
  2. L

    Railroad ties OK for a raised bed garden?

    Last year's garden When I started my raised beds 3 years ago, I did a lot less work. I started the garden in May and put the railroad ties down. Then I covered the inside of the bed with cardboard and paper and wet them with the hose. Then I put a foot of loose hay over the paper. To...
  3. L

    Asparagus bed

    Thanks for the welcome! Too bad Rhoda can't utilize this easy method of planting asparagus. I have found it a godsend, and when I finally re-locate my perennial onions, I will plant more asparagus this way. It sure is easy!
  4. L

    Aged Horse Manure

    Horse manure is my fertilizer of choice when gardening, since I have a horse. I use it all the time -- even fresh as long as I place it in between plants.
  5. L

    What are you planting this year?

    I have planted lots of things in the garden this year. plum trees -2 crabapple tree pear tree 25 nanking cherry bushes 25 wild stawberry plants potatoes sweet onions peas pole kentucky wonder beans pole blue lake beans collards kale spinach swiss chard beets turnips mustard mesculan lettuce mix...
  6. L

    Asparagus bed

    You really don't have to go so deep and do so much work. Didn't you read my post? It really works and works well.
  7. L

    Asparagus bed

    When I planted my asparagus a couple of years ago, I just followed the advice I read in Ruth Stouts No Work Garden Book (1971), so was able to bypass all that digging. She recommended just laying the plants on the ground and putting a heavy mulch over the top of the plants.. I just kept adding...
  8. L

    Tomatoes from seed?

    That's why I just gave up and began just buying seedlings. I have NEVER been able to stop them from committing suicide.
  9. L

    Railroad ties OK for a raised bed garden?

    Hi! I'm new here! I have railroad tie raised vegetable beds and I think they real old crumbling ties like I have work very well. I am in my third year of gardening with them and I love the way my soil has improved over the years. I have heavy clay soil, and put in the raised beds because I...