Recent content by Myga

  1. M

    Homeschool law question

    My guess would be that they mean to keep them in public schools for 30 days. However, with it being a holiday season and with January starting a new semester, you could probably get away with not putting them back until you get approval.
  2. M

    I have discovered new (old) appliance that I LOVE!!

    If anyone is still having issues with getting the cold shock method to work, try baking your eggs. This works particularly well with fresh eggs, since the oven will dry them out a bit. Put your desired amount of eggs in a cold oven. Set oven to 325 Set timer for 30 minutes Prepare a large bowl...
  3. M

    Homeschooling - day in the life.

    Right now, my little friends are still young (2 and 4), so we only do an hour or three a day. I usually give the two year old something distracting while go through mixed work books with the 4 year old. After the four year old is tired of my attentions, then I can start with the basics with the...
  4. M

    Composting with maggots

    Soldier flies aren't invasive like house flies, and I don't seem to have any house flies in the composter. I've been wondering if the soldier fly larvae eat the house fly maggots, but I dunno for sure.
  5. M

    Fudges for Christmas/ DONE all packages made and sent!

    :th I had to google that to see if you were joking... and ... you're not.... :th
  6. M

    Being prepared or HOARDING?

    Basement sealant. If you're not comfortable with doing it yourself, you can call around to the local pest control agencies and they will often times have the service. It's pretty simple though. You clean off the area (dirt, dead bugs, all that) and you paint it on, let it soak in and dry, then...
  7. M

    turning pumpkin to pie

    Teehee! Pumpkin turns me bright orange, so that could be really amusing! Pumpkin makes several really tasty soups, too! Or you could use it in muffins... man, I love squash.
  8. M

    My 1st Homemade costumes!! I am so proud of myself!! =D

    Yay! Great job! I did my first homemade costume this year too. It's a lot more satisfying, I know that much! Hoooowwwwwl, werewolf at grandma's.... :cP
  9. M


    The woods behind my mom's house is full of overgrowing vines, so I go back there to get the neat ones off the fence. Usually these turn into dream catchers (assuming I can find appropriate feathers), or winter wreaths.
  10. M

    Composting with maggots

    Thanks. ^.^
  11. M

    Composting with maggots

    Actually, I can vouch for their awesomeness. We have a 90 gallon composter, and have filled it multiple times through the summer, only to have it mostly empty a couple weeks later. They handle everything besides bones flawlessly. By the time I scoop it out of the bottom, it's heavy with...