Recent content by ninjapoodles

  1. ninjapoodles

    Root Cellaring in the South?

    You know, that is really a very clever idea. And it was NOT in that book I just read cover-to-cover! The little smokehouse is really ugly as is, too, so it would be a visual improvement. When we first bought this house, we thought we'd use it to store firewood, but we soon learned that with a...
  2. ninjapoodles

    Essential Items For Surviving in the Event of Rationing-Depression

    I can't even let myself think along these lines, because the #1 thing that comes to mind when I consider these scenarios is the fact that we wouldn't be able to get the prescription medications that my husband needs every day of his life. He takes a dozen different meds daily, and NONE of them...
  3. ninjapoodles

    does anyone have a motion detector in their driveway?

    And just like in our first house, there is a "blind spot" from where we are in the house, looking out toward the driveway, so we wouldn't always see someone coming even IF we happened to be looking out the window at the time, and neither do the dogs. That's the problem, really--I always counted...
  4. ninjapoodles

    does anyone have a motion detector in their driveway?

    I'm inclined to say "no," because our driveway makes a couple of 'S' curves, we have a lot of trees, and the receiver part is in our hearthroom, behind a brick wall. But I'll ask Alex that question tomorrow, just in case. He picked this one out. FWIW, our old motion-sensor one also reached...
  5. ninjapoodles

    Root Cellaring in the South?

    I have stuffed every bit of freezer space I have full of summer's produce, and am cooking up the last of last year's venison and wild turkey as fast as I can to make more room. It's pretty much a given that we're going to have to add at least another small chest freezer in the basement just for...
  6. ninjapoodles

    does anyone have a motion detector in their driveway?

    This is exactly what we have. It's a hose that lays across the top of the driveway (our driveway is several hundred feet long, with the drive gate being about 250 feet up from the house) and signals a "doorbell" inside the house when someone drives over it. We used to have just a straight...