Recent content by snozzleberry

  1. S

    homemade liquid dish detergent?

    Hi there, I haven't tried these recipes yet. I am still working through the soap I have now. If you try the recipes before me, please post your reveiw/opinion of it. OK, here goes: Homemade Dish Soap Recipe #1 2 cups of Castile soap 1 tsp lemon juice or white vinegar 1/2 cup of warm water Pour...
  2. S

    Are You Ready To Make Due With Little Or No Gas.??

    Don't worry so much. Luckily for you, most U.S. oil comes from Canada.
  3. S

    Need help! my first canning attempt.

    Hi all, I just finished my first batch of canned tomato sauce. Actually, it is my first time canning anything. Having only a pair of tongs and a ladle to extract the super hot jars from the pot caused a couple of jars to slip onto their sides. When that happened, the lids popped but quickly...
  4. S

    Natural and Safe Mosquito Repellent

    Grow your own mosquito repellent By ANN LOVEJOY, SPECIAL TO THE POST-INTELLIGENCER Published 10:00 p.m., Wednesday, October 9, 2002 The news is full of horror stories, including the spread of the West Nile Virus by mosquitoes. At the same time, a news item landed on my desk that seems to...
  5. S

    Detergent for high efficiency machines.

    Hi there, Has anyone had to alter or create a detergent recipe specifically for high efficiency washing machines? Does it make a difference on the formula? If so, can someone post a recipe? Thanks all.