Recent content by texas75563

  1. T

    Is it financially worth it to buy a meat grinder

    I would definitely get 1. I have 4. I have the small cast iron manual grind. It works fine but requires much manual energy. I have an attachment that goes on my meat band saw. Poorly constructed and cheaply made. It broke after a few uses. I repaired it. I have 2 electric grinders. 4 years ago I...
  2. T

    idea for a homemade rabbit wringer

    I never thought of trying to use anything like that. A rabbit is the easiest animal to clean that I know of. Make 1 slice through the fur in middle of back. Pull both directions and its nakid. Cut off feet, head, and gut it. A couple minutes from start to finish.
  3. T

    getting rid of fleas

    Pyrethrins' outstanding properties are: * Low Toxicity-Environment friendly * Rapid knockdown and kill of insects. * Quickly kills insects as a contact killer. * Widely used flushes insects out of their hiding places * No Insect Immunity Pyrethrins are natural-botanical...
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    I'm from Linden, Tx in north east Tx. I live between Texarkana and Marshall. I'm about 25 miles from vaill who lives in Ore City. I joined BYC where I found a link to The Easy Garden. From there I found a link to here. Howdy to all the fellow Texans and of course to everyone else!