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  1. B

    Budweiser's Garden, Projects, etc

    Lol yes exactly. I bought a car and a month later I hit a deer (Im a body guy by trade) it's been a year and I still haven't fixed it.
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    Budweiser's Garden, Projects, etc

    Yes I work on other people's vehicles everyday so I tend to really procrastinate on my own stuff that needs repairs
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    Budweiser's Garden, Projects, etc

    Sooo those cherry bombs, not very good, to me anyways. I'm going to try and give them some more time, but not very hopeful. .. On the bright side got my old truck running again. Saved probably $200 or so by changing water pump and serpentine belt myself.
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    Budweiser's Garden, Projects, etc

    Making some "cherry bombs"
  5. B

    What other places. ..

    What other places does everyone here frequent? You have other go on?
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    Budweiser's Garden, Projects, etc

    After reading that previous post, my phone spells out some whacked out stuff lol.... anyways, I'm looking for some beginners soap recipes. Looking to make solid bar soap. I've done searches, but can't rrally find a "guide" to make bar soap
  7. B

    Hello from upstate ny

    MoonShadows kinda funny that is a name if a bar downtown :p
  8. B

    Budweiser's Garden, Projects, etc

    Yeah as long as the blade is sharp it works great. The one I have is older and the handle tends to loosen up but other then those two things it's really a breeze. For me anyways. I see them go on Craigslist all the time fairly cheap, which is whereally I got mine
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    Budweiser's Garden, Projects, etc

    Read that putting the cabbage heart in the mason jar to hold everything down works good- I can confirm, it seems to work pretty darn good
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    How To Identify Any Plant From A Picture

    Sweet gonna try this out!
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    Tried and true bar soap recipes?

    Not sure exactly, just a solid beginner soap to get my feet wet
  12. B

    Tried and true bar soap recipes?

    I've done some searching but would also like to hear from personal experiences on some tested soap making recipes. Or if anyone could point me in a better direction I guess that'd work too. Thanks!
  13. B

    Hello from upstate ny

    Well upstate/cny.. I'm outside of ithaca if you know where that is
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    Budweiser's Garden, Projects, etc

    I do like spicy food! I'm a member of a group on facebook and they talk about it all the time, which is where I first even saw the word kimchee.I should look into making it sometime. Do you use it as a side dish for a meal, or just straight up?
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    Hello from upstate ny

    Anyone else here from around the area? In b4 getting a response 5 years later.
  16. B

    Goby, goby, goby!

    Anybody else having an issue with a goby infestation?
  17. B

    Budweiser's Garden, Projects, etc

    Just trying my hand at doing some kraut tonight. Out of a cabbage from the garden. Pretty amazed I fit a whole cabbage into just one quart jar