I had something similar, We walk our dog down the road. I bring a grocery bag with us to pick up cans and bottles long the road. The state we live in there a 5cent deposit. I spot a license plate on the side of the road put in the bag to bring to the station. Within 2 minutes a trooper pull up...
lavender oil on the forehead. That what was in the product Head On. Everyone remembers that commercial. I think ran the commercial so you would get a headache.
You might want to look for jobs before moving out there, that way you'll have a source of income while trying to fix the place up. You said that it had an orchard. You might be able the get some fruit from the tree.
See if you can get a term life insurance policy on him, at least enough to take care of the debt and funeral. should be more but you might have a hard time get more. You could also take on an extra job or sell things on ebay and put the money in a separate account.
Have him get involved in making the budget. Show him how much money both of you would have, if you take the money that is saved an invested it. If your in debt ask him how, show him the risk the debt carries. If something happens to one of you.
I think that what I'm going to get. My parent had one like when I was younger. I remember my father one time load it right up to the top, I got about 80 something degree in the house. It was hot enough we were sit in t-shirts and shorts sweating. I think we might have cooked on it once when the...
Is it possible to use one of these stoves for heating. I would just use it to heat my basement I figure it would be a nice back up plan if the power goes out I use it to cook on also.
Here what I would do when I was teenager and had a breakout. wet a towel with hot water as hot as you can stand without burn you self. Put it on your face for a few minutes. Then take a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol on it wipe your face. Be careful around your eyes. Then I would put Noczema...
WE usually buy the store brand that last time I bought starkist or bumblebee not sure which seem like there was a lot more water than tuna. seem more I squeezed the more that came out. the store brand had less water.
Do you any of you sell your vegetable seedling. If so, how much do charge. I planning on planting extra and selling at a flea market that we do every sunday from spring to fall.
I live in the Northeast, so i get pretty cold in the winter. I had this idea last night. Make a compost pit using Hay or Staw bales start the compost pile in the spring. By the time fall comes I should have a good pile started. In the fall use the pallet garden techinque and place the pallet...