Haven't done much posting lately :( But I'm still freeze drying stuff; shredded cheese, all kinds of fruits and vegetables, eggs. I did some meat, but it seems to get a little tough; I think it works better already cooked instead of raw.
I would think ANY bread counts as a fermented food. I've read that bread may have started out as a batch of beer that boiled dry (ancient Egypt- their so-called beer was more of a fermented porridge)
I have used a zip lock filled with more of the brine. It's usually enough to keep everything below the water level, and if the zip lock springs a leak the escaping brine won't change the brine ratio in the jar.
Knew a guy that liked to hunt wild pigs with 2 dogs and a knife. One day, he didn't come home. They eventually found part of one of the dogs and a piece of his shirt...
Actually, Black bears can be more dangerous than grizzlies. If a grizzly attacks a human, they mostly just mess you up some, but black bears will hunt you down to kill and eat. I knew someone in Alaska that told us about how a black bear stalked her neighbor for three days until it found a way...
One thing I've learned to do is, I buy the best quality clothing I can afford-- natural fibers and well made if possible. If I can find them in a thrift store or a yard sale, that's a bonus... but it doesn't happen often because we live in an area that has been financially depressed since I was...
The cheapest price we found was $.58/lb, but you had to buy $50 worth of other stuff, which turned out to be pretty easy because I wanted to donate a bunch of stuff to the church pantry. We are enjoying the most delicious soup from the leftovers now...
One year, DH bought me a reindeer hide for Christmas. Instead of wrapping it, he waited until I was asleep and draped it over me in bed. That night, I kept dreaming I was in really hot places, like Death Valley. I finally woke up enough to try to push blankets off, and my hands encountered the...
For us, it is what we will eat, but even more importantly, what will grow in our crazy mountain climate, and since my space is limited, I won't be wasting it anymore on "one-shot" plants like cauliflower, even though we love it.
I believe you can talk to them about creating another drop point, but it requires a certain minimum amount of sales. If you can get enough people to commit to a certain minimum amount you might be able to make it work.