I have been making Kombucha for about 10 years now. I started my own SCOBY from store-bought Kombucha in 2003 and I still use the original SCOBY. Several times over the years I have cut chunks off for friends to start their own Kombucha.
BUT lately I have noticed an off flavor, kind of...
In my opinion the metric system for all measurements is far superior to the American way. President Carter started to make the change to the metric system for the USA back in the late '70s but somehow lost his momentum and it fell through. I really wish he had followed through with it.
I'm a...
Thank you so much, Marianne. I just did a cut-n-paste of your post to keep if my shingles ever flairs up again. When I was 40 I got it and it was truly HELL on earth. It started out as a slight tingle on my right hip. If I touched it it was like bee stings or fireworks or something. After a...
Same here. I never read the journals.
I come here to learn and share ideas for self sufficiency and certainly not to read someone's personal journal. As a result I find myself checking in here about once a week for only a few minutes. In my opinion we have totally lost a great website...
Earlier today when I was out on the tractor I got to thinking about the #32 info. I gave you. I think I may have mis-spoke. I'm thinking that the #32 is larger than the Our Very Best #70. Aww heck, just snoop around on the 'net and you'll find what you're looking for. Sorry.
I like the...
Hi Brew Crew and welcome to the looney bin.
If my memory serves me correctly a No. 70 is the same size as today's #32 meat grinder. If I'm right (heaven forbid) the #32 plates and knives will fit and they are available at stores and on eBay. You will find dimensional info on the internet for...
Oh, OK. I thought maybe I would get a score number or something. Are you going to post the final results? When I read the tally sheet there were only 4 or 5 replies entered.
Like others, my showering habits vary greatly according to the weather and my level of activity.
Sunny and the 5 egg layers - you don't tell us where you live but I have a feeling that you had better get busy. The maple sap is flowing full steam ahead in our neck of the woods. We have had very cold night time temperatures and over the past two weeks we have had some slightly warm days...
That picture is adorable. I love to see the children interact with the animals as it somehow gives both a sense of well-being. Or something like that - it's hard to explain.
Do you think the goat panels you have for the fencing will keep all of the little guys in? We used to have two does...
Like Emerald says, just freeze your liquid stuff in proportional size zip-lock or glad bowls (WallyWorld now has their own brand that are a little cheaper) and when frozen pop the now-hard liquid out and put it into the vac-seal bags. Works good for us. I would like to try the vac-seal bags...
Concerning the gun restrictions that are being proposed, why do you think the lame stream media and the reporters who are in attendance at the daily media briefs never come out and really talk about why the majority of citizens of the USA feel the need to own guns and ammo? In my opinion the...
I think that's an excellent idea . . .
First - it's supposed to be a visit between two friends and the actual meal and the actual place should be secondary.
Second - most of the time, nowadays, the restaurant meal is of questionable quality and terribly expensive.
Good for you tortoise.
Hey coyote girl - here is a pic of what we use. It's a 2 gal. plastic pail from the grocery store. This one is a little dirty right now as it is ready to go out to the compost piles. These little buckets are great to have around the farm and I think we must have about 30 of them stacked in...
D1 - you have many things to consider. Your decision should not be made lightly and remember that sometimes when your hobby turns into work all of the shine disappears.
Can you reliably provide the quantity required?
Can you display your operation to the FDA with confidance that it will pass...