Unfortunately people have gotten used to cheap products, they don't see the value of good quality products grown or produced close to home. While I don't deny there's some who gouge, for the most part I don't mind one bit paying a bit more for local and well-produced. If I can't afford it...
Yup, he'll put an old tankful into the truck, throw the gas container into the back of it, and fill it up next time he's getting gas. We have a similar stash up in Maine, obviously, that one does tend to sit (we don't live there), so every time we go up we're rotating one or two. It's an easy...
Be careful stocking up specifically on gas, etc. Keep it in an approved storage container, away from inhabited buildings. We always have a supply of gasoline in our garage, in large containers, that my husband keeps 'in rotation', so it's always fairly fresh. Obviously it's not a major...
They definitely fine them, there are people all over dealing with it, including my son, who has moved to California, he was unemployed before he left and had no insurance and yes, they've chased him all the way out there demanding he pay a $2,700 fine. Right. The kid has no money at all, and...
Well, here in Massachusetts you'd be a criminal for not having insurance, have to pay a hefty fine, get insurance or go to jail. Just what they've got in store for all of us if the voted on and approved health care plan goes into place.
We don't have holes, we vent by raising the telescoping cover - but we're not as hot s you guys are. The only issue with a hole is it's another opening for them to defend, make sure they're strong. They'll also use it as an upper entrance, something some up here to provide, but not because of...
Aly, I saw a lot of honey in there, but didn't see much in the way of capped brood - it was way too early for them to have it anyhoo. It's really too bad you couldn't put the comb into some frames, but they'll rebuild quickly, especially if they have lots of forage around. I agree, I love the...
Yea, that's too hot - plus the atmosphere is unstable, they really don't like having their roof ripped off if there's a hint of thunderstorms in the area.
I use those Atlas gardening gloves, I think they're nitrile, they work well. Can I ask why you don't use a smoker? I've never heard of this 'liquid smoke' stuff. The real smoke works by both masking the alarm scent and by sending them down into the hive to prepare to leave - they think...