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  1. M

    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    I still do bales 😁 with our snow threat looming, I'll load all inside racks wed morn( while they're chowing down outside) and suggest the eat slowly.🥴 Plus stash a few in closed areas close by to refill. Those rascals will trample you trying to refill if totally emptied/eaten. Not running...
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    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    Because it's covered with the rains 😞 KY & TN are getting big flooding, I suspect many VA areas are, too ... And for days to come. My area is soggy wet but, so far the rivers are high, not over banks! They'll stay high as the ground water runs off.
  3. M

    Daydreaming while waiting impatiently!

    Are you all still alive??????? 😳🥰😂
  4. M

    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    @The Porch ... Know you're taking a "time out" but just want you to know we're all thinking about you & hoping all ok. 🥰 🙏
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    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    Yep, too much water here -- not as bad as that BUT more than enough.
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    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    He takes your clothes because he smells you & keeps you close 🥰. By the way, how's the old hunting dog ? Still with us?
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    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    I'm done with wet!! Mother Nature isn't 😣
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    Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey

    Obviously you weren't serving her fav!!! 🤣. I have one who finishes and looks to me for more. If not being given, milk flow isn't either 😳. They can be bargainers!
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    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    Rain here again tomorrow, another inch, like today.😣 And thurs another half inch :idunno and more over weekend !?!? Dang... .
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    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    Rain here on East Coast. A few flakes of snow mixed in here & there. Gone as they hit the wet ground. I'm cold!! The rain is cold! Goats are all curled up together in their barns. Everything is OK. NOT impressed with cold! Brrrr, boo-hoo-hoo. 🥴
  11. M

    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    Hope this resolves the finger problem ☺️ :fl
  12. M

    What did you do in your garden today?

    Well both report results😋 this is my first yr, and I love garlic. So unless nothing grows, I'll be fine with whatever and improve as needed. 😂 A dozen bulbs would work & a win. I'm forgiving.
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    Spring Buds

    I'm pretty sure he's thought it out. Often the best place for the hay is not best place to get to 🤷 it's something every livestock farmer faces. Generally there's a "sacrifice" area to save the rest.
  14. M

    Fixing Electric Fencing

    Assume you mean the electrified netting. Well, if broken areas are areas with wire, it's not going to be real good for goats...chickens maybe. Hard to say without pics. BUT goats need strong fencing!! Electric "can" work but only if the current is strong and on. Most battery options are...
  15. M

    The Bread Thread - including quick breads, gluten-free and grain-free

    Have a warm one here. I'll cut, butter and enjoy it just for you!! Feeling the love ? :lol:
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    2025 Resolutions

    Hey, your coop is temp...don't cut so you can reuse wood & tin. 👍
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    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch labor🤔😂. I want some of that!! :lol:
  18. M

    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    @Country homesteader, Interesting. What's involved in the "farm share"? Work for a portion of crops? Savage ok after his truck run in? We're getting the wetness Tue-Thu here. So far only rain but, colder Tues so could be some icy mornings. Nothing they're planing brining for yet. 👍 Back...
  19. M

    What's for dinner?

    Thinking maybe a slow roasting beef & veg in oven. A meal, then transform into a beef stew thing for freezer meals. The liquids keep the parts better to freeze.
  20. M

    The Bread Thread - including quick breads, gluten-free and grain-free

    I plan to make a couple loaves today. Will start one in next hr or so....time before going out for chores.