I plan to dehydrate many of my figs, and will also make fig jam.
I have a secret recipe, from my neighbor (up the road from us) who died a couple years ago at the age of 96. It is called Janie's Fig Cake. She made one, and brought it to welcome us "to the neighborhood". I made one, to sell...
Oh yes, I forgot my fig tree. That was the first tree I bought after we moved here. I LOVE figs! I have, since my neighbor, in Lake Worth, TX, let me pick everything I could reach over the chain link fence between us. I got our 6 foot ladder and reached as far as I could. Those were some...
We have been on our property for 3-1/4 years. Since moving here, we have planted 2 apple trees, a peach and an apricot tree. We also have a Meyer Lemon, Kaffir Lime and Persian Lime, all in pots, so we can bring them in the house before the 1st frost in Fall, and take them out in the Spring...
Mmm! That sounds yummy! I hadn't thought of using Rosemary. DUH!!! I have lots of it & love cooking with it.
I used to make Beef Burgandy, with lots of garlic & mushrooms. Since then, I have discovered that the sulfites, in the wine, give me migraines. So, I don't drink wine anymore. But I...
Oh yes! It really is!
Butchering our first 2 wethers was really hard. But, we realized that we couldn't just keep all the kids from freshening our dairy goats every Spring. We also had to remind ourselves that we bought our little homestead, so we could become self-sufficient and raise our...
M-m-m-m! All that soup sure makes my mouth water! LOVE the title, "Big Ole Pot Of Happy! It's so perfect, 'cause a big bowl of hot soup on a cold Winter's day sure does make me happy!
We had a big bowl of goat soup for dinner last night. The day before DH had slow cooked a leg of goat in the...
Some companies are requiring employees to get the flu shot! If they refuse, they are fired on the spot.
I don't know their policy now, but when I worked at the Mayo Clinic, as an RN, that was the requirement. I didn't know any better back then, so I got the shot. I gave a lot of flu shots too...
The hospitals are saying the same thing here. They are also saying don't bring any children, under the age of 12, to visit patients, in the hospital. Whole schools are closing, due to such high numbersof students, teachers & support staff out sick, and also to disinfect every surface in the...
Last week, DH and I started to get another head cold. We immediately started taking our Elderberry syrup (1 oz) 4 times a day, and within two days, we were feeling fine, albeit with a slight drainage of clear mucous from the sinuses. Then, for 4 days, we took an oz twice a day. We will now take...
Have you ever considered raising ducks? We have three breeds (Pekins, Muscovy & Khaki Campbell), plus 2 geese.
Recently, ome of our Pekins was beaten up by one (or more) of the other birds). There was a 1/2" wound near her lower left beak. I caught her, cleaned her up and checked for other...
Nothing wrong with being picky. That's awesome that you have an in with someone who breed sheep. What if (AFTER you have the little cherub) you go and visit that breeder? Tell them you are trying to decide which breed is a good fit for you, and ask them to convince you why you should buy their...
Oh yes! We are so happy to get the rain, because we were in serious drought.
We have been waiting for rain, so we can rototill the garden area. We have gotten so much now, it looks like we will have to wait for a warm spell in 2 or 3 weeks, so we aren't tilling mucky soil. We have 6-8" Sandy...
Down here, in TX we won't be having a white Christmas. But, when I was milking this morning, it was POURING !!! We are talking TORRENTIAL!!!! We are supposed to have rain all day & into the night. We are supposed to get 2"+ before its done. But so far we already have 1-3/4", if it keeps up all...
Elderberry lozenges sounds good.
However, raw honey is part of the healing quality of this syrup. The reason you wait to add the honey, until the Elderberry juice is cool, is because heating it destroys the healing enzymes.
To make lozenges, you have to heat the syrup to "hard ball stage"...
I made another batch today, as I am giving my daughter a big bottle, of it, for Christmas.
I have tried different ways to strain the seeds out. Today I tried a screen sieve, and used a serving spoon, to push the solids against the screen so it drained. I was hoping to push the berry solids...
I had my 1st bladder infection when I was 20. I won't say how old I am. But does "older than dirt" ring a bell? :lol: Over the years I have had more than 100 bladder infections. :ep The antibiotics stopped working. :th
Then, 12 years ago, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease with a...
Following is my recipe. As you can see, it makes a half gallon, which can be saved in 4 pint canning jars, which if the lid is screwed tightly, before putting in,the refrigerator, will seal and will last in the back of the fridge for many months.
Your write up from Wellness Mama, says to take 1...