We have lots of "quick" food in our house it's called fruit! When the kids ask before dinner for food because they are hungry I list the "good" foods if they don't want that then they are not hungry:) We have 3 meals a day, the kids prepare thier own BF in the morning, if they claim they didn'...
In our school system the kids have a balanced lunch. Basically 2 lunches. I packed 2 fruits/veggies something sweet like granola bar or fruit to go,pudding,applesauce then something salty like crakers or pretzals and a sandwich ,sent in a bottle for water and the school said my kids didn't have...
Very busy time, summer has been a blast:) On the animal front, the bylaw guy saw my dog crates I let my rabbits graze in now given a warning that next time could lead to a $25grand fine yay me! Fight for chickens and rabbits is on, the councel seems 100% open ti backyard rabbits, atleast 75% for...
they have already found the carps dna in the great lakes, hopefully they can provent them from coming here. We might not beable to eat the fish near us( ok we can eat them but only a few a month) but we can still boat safely w/o getting hit by a 50 lb fish!
If the SHTF we are all doomed as the government will not tell us about any predicted shortages until it's too late. the government likes to cover up, hec today even the beach we normally go to is normally closed after a rain, yesterday it rained lots ,they still gave a green flag and it just so...
I figure if they say all you can fill, then fill it! I went to a book box sale and came out with one really full box of really epensive books that wieghed a ton and took my a while to`tetris` pack it,no one else did that but I did and do when it`s fill a container or box sorry if some feel it`s...
I think of my self as upcycling:) I rarely buy full price anything, most buys are from a liquadation store, food from there as well as other things we need are greatly reduced and when they go on clearence they basically pay us to take them(.25 cereal,.5 cans of soup, .15 crackers,.10 a box...
You can use vanilla bean powder in replace of the beans. I bought mine from a health food store for $20, It has lasted well over a year for lots of things , baking, canning,soapmaking,smoothies. The older it get the better it gets. Nothing like the real flavor or scent:)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n-0THwZLb0 a good video on making it
http://www.summerbeemeadow.com/content/lye-calculator-and-recipe-resizer calculator I use, I use a glass pyrex loaf pan that fits well in my crockpot. This makes a great way to make soap, never had a batch go wrong. I use 100%...
We planted 3 fruit trees and many grape and barry bushes, I have a years worth of seeds and will be saving some from this years crops. I do plan on getting a pressure canner so that I don`t have to freeze everything that can`t be water processed. I also have meat rabbits and chickens, if SHTF I...
What!I'm the only one that gets apples and milk with thier kids happy meal? What next sue the icecream man for selling dora and spongebob icecream.When we eat fast food we get the kids just burgers,they can have a snack at home.
wow! I wish I could find fat in that amount:) I love soap making, it's a hobby. We also cook up bacon then freeze it as we can get a huge box of second cuts of bacon but they come in bricks basically so it's hard to store them and use them like that. |I would use the lrd but also add other oils...
strawbarry vanilla jam, strawbarry/cherry chocolate jam and strawbarry syrup( think nesquick byt made with real strawbarries!) I want to make watermellon jelly soon.
Hopefully it's just a skin rash, i've had circle looking eczema before. I hope they lift the ban on currents for you, I planted a black current and goose barries and a goose barry/current hybrid( normally I don't buy hybrids but it was cheap and neat;)
That really sucks about your dog:( My dog is seen in the front yard as he rarely leaves my DD's side. he's just a pup only 6 months. Recently the jerk nieghbors called the cops on me 2 times, once when I yelled for the kids to come home and another when I yelled at my son to get off my porch...
I offically give up, they can eat my brains! Today we got a humane society note stating our dogs were loose. The only time our dogs get out is when we are out and we quickly bring them in the yard. Geeze I give up, constant calls to cps,humane society, the cops,bylaw! I hate living here and feel...