Also what about different things that u have to buy and pay a monthly fee using their app to run your device. A lot of exercise equipment is already that way. And other things that u use and app on your phone for
Just wait a lot of the name brand stuff is making it so u have to be a certified mechanic to work on it. John Deere is one of them along with different furnace manufacturers. Not only will homeowners not be allowed but smaller companies that work on multiple different things wouldn't be aloud...
We tracked not shopping at Walmart for a year and saved about $100 a month most of the items the we needed we found elsewhere cheeper and the wants we found elsewhere more expensive but a better quality and waited to make a lifetime purchase versus a fast grap decision for a less quality item...
So @Mini Horses you use pre cooked rice?? I just don't think it is as creamy. I could be wrong my family like the cooked rice in milk and sugar the best but it takes about an hr to make at the end u add vanilla. It's really good
Rice pudding recipe please I usually make mine from raw rice cooking in milk for an hr. I don't like precooked rice in water as well so if like to know your recipe to try
I'm glad it's been raining we need it. But I do feel your pain on the mug that just makes for a sad time.
On a funny note my wife spilled a full French press in an open drawer and clean unloaded dish washer.
Made the other night used half the dough other half went in the fridge woke up early yesterday rolled it out covered with cinnamon and sugar butter rolled up tossed in pan with sugar honey and pecans aka sticky pecan rolls kids ate the last couple this morning for breakfast
I had red shag carpet in my room with fake wood paneling on the walls one outlet and a pull string light no heat or cooling. Water would freeze in my room in the winter. I'm 37 I just threw away a Carhartt that my parents bought me in 8th grade I tried it on before I tossed it it still fit...