I hope I'm wrong, but the way you describe Tonka's behavior is just the way my dog acted when she got struck by a car. There were no visible signs of injury, but she was one sore doggy for a while. My only suggestion would be to watch his stools or urine for blood. Sorry, don't want to scare...
Yeah, savingdogs, he was vulgar in person. I and another bookseller/fan were standing near his booth, all but genuflecting at being in his presence. We began a brief conversation with him, during which he managed to drop several f-bombs and a few other choice words just casually and without...
TANJ! I met Heinlein briefly at a booksellers' convention. I used to adore his books, despite the overt sexism in most of them. But.....he was vulgar, foul-mouthed and dirty. It destroyed an illusion.
Having said that, I agree with the above posters that Lazarus Long was a wonderfully...
The biggest earthquake I've been in was a 6.5 right before Christmas several years ago. It was enough to get my attention!
We always used museum putty, often referred to as earthquake putty for our breakables such as good glassware. It's just what it sounds like; a putty used to stick stuff...
"....getting the garden bug yet" Are you kidding me? One of the neighbors had a huge truckload of the most beautiful rich, black compost delivered in early November. It's just sitting there waiting to be distributed onto his fields. Every time I go to town, I have to force the car to stay on...
Is Pudding getting any milk products other than the yogurt? Cat's don't have the enzyme to digest milk, so they can get the poopies if they drink it. We have 10 (yes 10!) indoor cats. Only one of them shows any interest at all in milk, but we can't even turn our backs on a bowl of cereal or...
Back in the olden days (early 60s) I went to grade school with a girl who had petit mal seizures. At the beginning of each school year, the teacher would explain Rosie's situation and tell us what to do if we noticed that she looked like she was "daydreaming"....just let teacher know. We were...
I know how hard a decision it is to go to the doctor when there's no insurance, but if she were my child, I would take her. They shouldn't have to do a CAT scan in order to rule out concussion, but there could be something else going on, such as a fracture on her cheekbone, or inner ear damage...
I am so sorry that some of you are grieving. Yes, dying is a part of living, but it sure is painful for those who watch the loved ones move on to their New Adventure.
Got up at 5:30, which is a couple hours earlier than usual for Saturday. The 3 1/2 year old was rarin' to go, and managed to...
Deb4o, sorry, didn't mean to dis your town. We've been here in the TC for only three years, after 30 years in Calif. California is a disaster for small business, and pretty much in general. I don't know where all the sales tax/income tax/lotto profits are going, but they are NOT going for...
We are happy here in the SE corner of Washington State, and it is similar to what you are talking about. The eastern part of Washington is not as liberal-leaning as the coast, but not exactly right-wing, either.
You might look into Walla Walla or the Tri Cities area, NOT Yakima.
An inexpensive countertop can be created from a hollow core door and a couple of base cabinets. I often see doors on craigslist for $10-20, and three-drawer plastic drawer units are $15 at Walmart and sometimes at Target. You could attach the drawer units to the door with a few screws, going...
For joint pain, I swear by a small glass of Welch's grape juice with a teaspoon of pectin (Sure-Jell) in it. I have osteoarthritis in several joints, as well as hip joint damage from old radiation therapy. The juice and jell have helped tremendously.