Search results

  1. angelib1

    Poll on laundry soap

    look in the pool section of walmart or any pool supply store for ( sodium carbonate) ph balancer. Or go to a feed store or Jo Ann fabrics store and ask for (Soda ash). Happy hunting.
  2. angelib1

    Poll on laundry soap

    I throw clothes in while the water is running and put the soap in the soap tray last. There is no residue, and clothes smell great. My DH is a crop duster airplane mechanic, loader, vehicle mechanic, and what ever else need done in a day. all dirty, stinky jobs he comes home covered in hydrolic...
  3. angelib1

    Organic food is no healthier, study finds

    angelib1 wrote: Organic home grown is not the same as organic big farm. This I know for a fact and won't buy organic from commercial sources. won't say more unless you want to know more. yes I would like to know the info you have about big organic farms and why you won't buy their produce...
  4. angelib1

    Any one else HATE their pressure caner???

    I would like to more about canning vegies and meat in a water bath. I bought a pressure canner at a thrift store, and took it to the true valuestore , they put new seals and vent thingys in it and told me it's ready to use. However I have been staring at it for months, too scared to death to use it.
  5. angelib1

    Poll on laundry soap

    I use powdered version; 1 cup fels-naptha 1 cup zote 1cup washing soda 1 cup borax 1/2 cup oxi clean (from $ store) 1/2 cup baking soda use 2 tbs per load whites; add bleach and bluing. My whites are white!
  6. angelib1

    Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

    AWSOME! Congratulations are in order.
  7. angelib1


    No, I'm not a foster mom. She is my neice, her mom died two years ago and my brother found himself unable and unwilling to care for her. I don't blame him one bit, you simply can not let the child out of your sight for a second. Good luck on foster parenting I think it will be very rewarding. I...
  8. angelib1

    What to do with REALLY old super dark honey

    They found honey in the egyption tombs that was still good. AND dark honey is my favorite good in coffee and strong dark teas, use it in making bread, cookies ect. for heavens sake don't hrow it out or anything,
  9. angelib1

    Organic food is no healthier, study finds

    Organic home grown is not the same as organic big farm. This I know for a fact and won't buy organic from commercial sources. won't say more unless you want to know more.
  10. angelib1

    Recycling toilet paper tubes

    I use them for candle forms. I wrap tinfoil around the bottom of the tubes then set them upright in an old metal cake pan, tie wicks to used scewers, set on top of tubes with wicks centered, melt bits of old candles, pour into tubes.
  11. angelib1

    Learned to Knit This Week

    I am left handed, the person who taught me was right handed. she had a great way of teaching me We sat in chairs knee to knee, facing eachother that way her right hand was my left. So left handers basicly chrochet backwards. I found if took a pattern that was layed out with a picture. I could...
  12. angelib1

    Mosquito repellent

    Do I need to crush the balm first?
  13. angelib1


    I think I'm going to cry. :hit The same 8 yr old child who knocked our pot of jam on to the floor fri. dumped 12 cups of scalding hot juice on the floor last night. If that was not bad enough,she managed to dump it on our 5 little kittens who were eating at the time. We were running around like...
  14. angelib1

    Mosquito repellent

    We grab a handful of lemon balm when we walk out of the house and rub it on our arms etc. keeps sketos off for quit awile. I wonder if I could make a spray of it? Make a tea or something?
  15. angelib1

    What are you DEHYDRATING today?

    Thank, I'll give it a try.
  16. angelib1

    What are you DEHYDRATING today?

    Does any one else have problems with cucumbers sticking to the trays.
  17. angelib1

    MOVE!! What did you do to workout today?

    Angelib 1 you made me laugh with your "oh my aching bacon" comment! I'm so going to steal that one!!! enjoy! I hope today is more productive than yesterday. Everybody was draging, kids had a county fair hang over and weren't wanting to move. oh-so-cranky.
  18. angelib1

    MOVE!! What did you do to workout today?

    Well 7 1/2 hrs at the fair yeasterday mostly walking, oh my aching bacon. Today chicken chores, laundry, picking apircots again, drying and canning apircots, weeding garden and yard. no time for formal exercise.
  19. angelib1

    MOVE!! What did you do to workout today?

    Does walking 30' to the chick coup count. Actually were going to the fair today (hours of walking right?).:D It is overcast to day and my fibromyalgia is in high gear, it's going to be a long day.
  20. angelib1

    My personal Weight Loss Challenge

    I did ok when I had kids 5 of em' kept me on the run. well that and the 200 yard dash to the barn to do chores 2-3 times a day. I live on a very small chunk of land now. I started gaining weight when I turned 40. and only a size 6? at this rate what will I look like next year? yikes!:/