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  1. bluey

    Spelling and grammar

    dac...I love your avatar!!!!
  2. bluey

    broody hen question *update* pg 2

    Hey,'d you get the sam's girl title? Can you pick any title here?
  3. bluey

    broody hen question *update* pg 2

    Calvin and Hobbes are being sequestered on BYC for trouble making. :bun I figured I'd have a different avatar here. I joined here so long ago, but now the wife and I are making real inroads to the self-sufficient life this spring, so I should be around more. By the way, on topic...I always...
  4. bluey

    broody hen question *update* pg 2

    Mine tried to sit on 15 eggs and got bored after hatching six. She buried the rest and I eventually took them away from her. Hey, Bee! :frow
  5. bluey

    Much ado about nothing! WOOT!

    I like the Tin Man...
  6. bluey

    Turning old into new

    I still get teased at by my DF's family, for recycling a wooden bed frame into a temporary tractor/brooder for my 7+ week old chicks before they are ready to free range. They call it the "Hoopie Coop". It still stands today and has served a second year of service. :lol:
  7. bluey

    Favorite Financial Quotes - Please Add Yours

    The quintessential stock market quote in my opinion: The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. - John Maynard Keynes