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    tomatoe strainer question

    It's not hard at all, more tedious than strenuous. We juiced over 60 lbs. of tomatoes this year, may do some more since the tomatoes are still producing. If Abbotsford was close to me I'd check this item out, and buy it if it's in good shape.
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    tomatoe strainer question

    I have that same model inherited from my mom. It worked great until the aluminum body oxidized and I don't feel comfortable to run tomatoes through it any more. I bought a Norpro squeezer which is a copy of the sqeezo and victorio. The norpro doesn't juice as well as the older model 200...
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    Tuna boats are coming in on the coast, so DW and I took a road trip. Canned 21 (1/2) pints of fresh albacore tuna. Then did 9 pints of sirloin to help clear out the freezer.
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    Emergency Alert System (EAS) Test

    I jsut heard that this test did not work here in Oregon. How about anywhere else? Not so sure I'm disappointed:/
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    The Pagan Circle

    thank you pinkfox, it's a journey we look forward to. happy new year
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    The Pagan Circle

    Hello folks, I gotta say WOW, this thread has and will make a great impact on my life!! The discussion on this thread has really opened my (and DW's) mind to a life we just fell is for us. I'm just about done reading Wicca for Dummies (thanks Britesea), this is just the beginning. DW...
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    DW an I did (12) half gallon jars of pickled tomatoes this weekend. Wanted to juice them, but there weren't enough tomatoes for a decent batch of juice. There about 6-8 tomatoes per jar with sliced pepper, garlic, black currant leaves, dill, and pepper corns. This should last a year; for me...
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    Toenail fungus

    I had a bad case toenail fugus for 20-25 years, both big toes were just like Marianne discribed, and the skin under the nail was really soft and white. I used some stuff made in Germany called Nutra Fingal (sp?). I think it was tea tree oil; turned the nails and skin yellowish. Noticed...
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    What are you fermenting today?

    Just finished shredding cabbage for a batch of saurkraut. My DW asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I said I would like a cabbage shredder; don't like the mandolin too much, and using a knife takes forever. The look she gave me was something I would not want see again. Not sure if...
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    Metal that is not a dumb question, i've wondered about the sterilizing need too. We just did a batch of beets in the pressure canner and did not sterilize the jars. We put them in the oven around 215 F or so just to keep them hot. been doingn that for a few years and haven't had any problems.
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    Forever foods: 9 cooking staples that can outlast you

    DW's Grandma has told us about her father who was a medic in WW I and used honey to prevent infections in battle wounds. Raw unprocessed honey is preferred, probably since that's ll they had back then.
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    Yogurt and cream-top milk problem? UPDATE: fixed

    DW and I have made a few batches of yogurt from raw whole milk lately. We heat to 140 F then cool to around 105 and add 8-12 ounces of organic yogurt; set it in a warmed oven overnight. Have had good luck so far. Our oven has a proofing setting for dough, which works great for yogurt.
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    Lard Question

    I want to say a big THANK YOU to you all for the great information on real nutritious food Ive gotten from reading this forum, especially freemotion, wifezilla, bubblingbrooks, lwheer, ohiofarmgirl. I may have missed a few, but still Thank you all. My DW really appreciates that Ive finally...
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    Grass Fed Beef

    Homemaker, those prices are very resonable IMO, almost exactly what we pay for our 1/2 grass fed beef. We have to pay two additional fees, one for dispatching the cow, and another for hide and other disposal that are split with the other half buyer. Our rancher schedules the butcher to come...
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    Earthquake experience

    Thanks you all for the replies. putty? never heard of it, sounds like good stuff to have around. will do a search for it. tam... we've been discussing cabinets, we use boxes just don't know how well they would stay put. tanks... nice looking shelves, i should put up a front like...
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    Earthquake experience

    I've only experienced a couple of earthquakes, the largest was a 5, but it was pretty far away, so only slight shaking. Got me thinking about what to do if a really big one comes along, since I live in the Pac NW near the Cascadia Subduction Zone. One concern is all the home canned goods...
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    We purchased a Kindle about a month ago, I haven't had a chance to use it yet, DW won't put it down. The Kindle steers you toward Amazon for book purchases, but DW figured out how to download books from other sites. We were going to buy a Sony E-reader at Fry's, but the salesman said that the...
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    Tattler Reusable Canning Lids?

    We used these lids for the first time this year for tomatoes in a water bath canner. The lids sealed fine, no problems, also easy to open. The gasket thing held up fine so far, we will be using more of them in the future. Haven't used them for pressure canning yet, but I don't see any...
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    DW and I just finished with 12 pints of beef broth made from bones from this years 1/2 beef. Boiled roasted bones for about 12 hours, strained the stocked through cheese cloth, and 20 minutes at 11 lbs. pressure. DW makes the best beef barley soup.:P Now if I could just catch a salmon...