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  1. 2Buckeyes

    What about the livestock?

    Didn't even know anything about the "Right to Farm" law. Thanks, Wifezilla!
  2. 2Buckeyes

    What about the livestock?

    Wow! I have so much to learn... We are hoping to get a transfer to MI in the coming year or so (company headquarters). We currently live on a golf course & are restricted from just about everything by our HOA. My heart's desire has been for property & the ability to live off of our own...
  3. 2Buckeyes

    What about the livestock?

    Hey guys & gals! While we are not on a homestead YET, that is our ultimate goal. I've been wondering though, what about feed for your animals when, as you say, TSHTF? I imagine that the feed stores will quickly run out of food. What are you doing to ensure that you have enough to feed your...
  4. 2Buckeyes

    Whoo Hoo! A hidden pantry!

    Color me GREEN! I'm all about secret pantries! I can't wait to see the finished space. And thanks for the tip about old coolers. Now's the time to buy them, too! :)
  5. 2Buckeyes

    Food Prices, Shortages & Inflation - The Trash Index

    What kills me, is the rate that prices have increased! A box of Annie's mac & cheese that was $1.47 is now $1.77 @ Target. I used to stock-up when they went on sale for $1 a box... Turkey bacon @ Costco was just $6.99 a box for 4 packages, now it's $7.99 ~ overnight! My husband just mentioned...
  6. 2Buckeyes

    PLEASE PRAY!! Potential Job for E!

    I'm new here, but not new to praying! I will ask for God's favor. :) ~Laura~
  7. 2Buckeyes

    Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

    Hey Wannabefree! I found you! I can't wait to get to know everyone & learn, learn, learn! Thanks for steering me in the right direction! :)