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  1. N

    Stocking Up, Putting Back, Prepping = Paranoia?

    Boogity - I live in So. IN, and it's bad here too. The front page headlines always include at least one meth bust.
  2. N

    Putting up dry goods in canning jars

    I was just reading about the oven canning in countryside magazine. I had no idea you could do that. I'd like to try it sometime next year, should be good for storing some dried herbs!
  3. N

    What did you do to save $ today?

    I love estate auctions too! DH and I went to one a couple weeks back I brought home 3 oil lamps for $15. We would've had to pay $10 a piece at the store.
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    lol, Love your quote btw! Thanks everyone :)
  5. N


    I'm from Gibson County, about an hour north of Evansville :)
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    Newbie from So. Indiana

    I posted my "newbie" thread in the wrong area... So here it is in the right spot... (i think?) lol Hello everyone! I'm new here and thought I'd say hi smile I am a 23 year old newlywed. I have been interested in the self-sufficient lifestyle my entire life, and now that I am on my own I am...
  7. N

    Powder Homemade Laundry Soap

    This is exactly what I was looking for :) I like the idea of using the blender too, when my mom made it it left the soap really chunky. Now I just need to find a grater! Guess I'll be going to the Goodwill this week! Nichole
  8. N

    Fels Naphtha safety

    That is great to know! I am planning on making some this weekend and was actually wondering how safe it was. Nichole
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    Hello everyone! I'm new here and thought I'd say hi :) I am a 23 year old newlywed. I have been interested in the self-sufficient lifestyle my entire life, and now that I am on my own I am continually trying to increase it. Hope to get to know you all! Nichole
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    College...not worth it....?

    I am finishing my associates degree in business management. Not because I always dreamed to go to college, but quite the opposite. I had to go to stay on my parent's insurance to pay for VERY expensive medications. Now that I am almost finished, I do understand the benefit of a college...