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  1. C

    Protecting Your Family From an Influenza Pandemic

    Note: Permission to reprint, repost or forward the following article in full is granted, but only if it is not edited or excerpted. Protecting Your Family From an Influenza Pandemic By James Wesley, Rawles -- Editor of The emerging threat of the Asian Avian Flu Virus (AAV...
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    Planning for Bird Flu/Swine Flu

    The title of the thread says it anyone preparing for the possible mutation of bird flu into something very scary? I'm not prepared- not even a little..The cases of human contracted bird flu are very very rare, but increasing...and showing up in other mammal species. Apparently a...
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    ACK! Goose Herding is making me crazy...

    :barnie Does anyone have any good ideas for introducing a flock of geese into a new night time shelter? The new shelter is on the other side of the pasture from the old one, and I spent an hour last night trying to drive the geese into the new digs. I admit I now hate my geese. :he I've...
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    Another Pressure Canner Thread...

    Hi- I have never used a pressure canner...been terrified of them for most of my life (due to a teacher who had one blow up on her, causing severe burns...) However, I am now ready to give them a try. I'd like to know what size is the most useful to most of you? I imagine that I'll can more...
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    Dehydrated Cat and/or Dog Food Recipes, Anyone?

    Has anybody ever tried to dehydrate homemade pet foods? Commercial dry food is sensible of course, (if not always the best food) but bulky. I prefer wet food for my cats and dog, but canned stuff would be too tough to fit in a go-bag, I'd I wonder if there are light-weight, high...