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    Second amendment

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    As beautiful as wolves are you dont want to live near them. Apex predators and they will hunt humans.
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    Elwood and family's journal of our ss journey

    I would love to but gas alone would make the price way high lol
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    Elwood and family's journal of our ss journey

    A leaking toilet tomorrow can't wait!
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    Elwood and family's journal of our ss journey

    Clyde is showing that he is still got some puppy in him. Chewing. Any tissue or paper towel he can get to gets shredded. Well 2 days done in the new job. Interesting issue today. Older resident that lives alone said her bathroom sink wasnt draining properly. Disassembled the drain plumbing...
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    Laugh(s) for the day

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    Favorite "around the yard " rifle

    Guns put food on the table in other ways than killing. Can barter them or sell them to buy food or pay a bill. I have had to do that before.
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    Elwood and family's journal of our ss journey

    We beleive clyde is pitt bull labrador mix. So we call him a pittador. Lol
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    Laugh(s) for the day

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    Elwood and family's journal of our ss journey

    Well new dog is settling in. House training went very quick. Stairs took a bit longer. I got a part time job doing maintenance at the apartments we live in. This should provide enough to get our house done. And some needed purchases
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    Japan will have to dump radioactive water into Pacific as Fukushima runs out of storage tanks

    Well you know what we always said in the Navy. Dilution is the solution..... There are several nuclear reactors on the bottom of the ocean has been for years. Oh and the U.S Navy dumps radioactive water into ocean all the time. Just have to be 12 miles offshore...
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    Laugh(s) for the day

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    Ridgid pipe wrenches are high $$$ so i..

    Some power tools now are bluetooth and gps enabled. Can track your expensive tools down. I love rigid tools. All i buy when possible
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    Snowblower issue - would like some thoughts

    Sounds like a loose belt to me as well if it has one. Look to see how the motor is connected to the blades
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    Second amendment

    Oh ok great
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    Laugh(s) for the day

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    Second amendment

    Get a holster! Sights can snag on a pocket. And just a lot safer using a proper holster.
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    Second amendment

    Missouri is a good place. My liberal sister lives there. She about stroked out when she had to buy an ar15. Lmao Moving is never fun but sometimes it is worth it
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    Second amendment

    My best friend was a concealed carry instructor in Illinois until they outlawed half of his personal gun collection. He moved to Tennessee
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    You mean a chemical that kills living things will kill humans? I am so shocked! I mean really is it that hard to understand? Monsanto is definitely behind the bee deaths. They kill everything.