CNN Reports on Disclosure of UFOs in the USA


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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i_am2bz said:
I've never seen a UFO, nor do I ever want to. Even watching them on TV creeps me out. (kinda like tornados; TV is the closest I wanna get)

I do have recurring dreams about aliens invading the earth - scary nightmares where I realize the stars in the sky are actually spaceships - wonder what that means...??
While I am sensitive to your feelings and concerns, it would be perhaps helpful for you to consider a few important alternatives which, if understood might allay your fears and bring you peace of mind on this subject.

First, let's assume (I believe correctly) that the basic premise (i.e. the NULL HYPOTHESIS) is TRUE, i.e. there are "UFO" vehicles that transport others from place to place in the universe. :old

The fact that CNN says it is so, frankly carries no weight with me considering the voluminous "dis-information" the MSM disseminates as a general rule. :smack

As I said in my initial post, if they can design, build and operate a vehicle that can travel that far, in some reasonable amount of time, as well as make it fly in and out of the proximity of an atmospheric planet (entering and leaving the gravity fields with a suitable propulsion system) and manage the physiologic stresses of such travel, it is a good and reasonable assumption that they are significantly more advanced both technologically (and hopefully "psychologically/spiritually")and capable THAN WE ARE ON EARTH.

It is also reasonable to assume that they have developed other much higher forms of technology with respect to defensive as well as offensive weapons should they feel the need for them.

Additionally, given that advanced state of technology and capability it would also be reasonable to assume that given those abilities, (especially the weaponry capability) they would be able to destroy (should they so desire) this planet (and anything on it) and do so at a time of their own choosing (which in our time reference may have been millions of years ago) or could be any time in the future.

It should also be reasonable to assume that such an technologically advanced society of (human) beings would be able to find anything they need in the universe such as raw materials, etc., and not just here on earth but ANYWHERE in the universe on any planet that exists, not just ours.

Now therefore, with these assumptions, it may now be easier to see that whoever they are, and from wherever they have come, they have NOT chosen to destroy us, enslave us, or take us prisoner or even interfere with us other than to possibly prevent us from destroying our own planet with thermo-nuclear weapons (a concept for which I am personally quite grateful).

Given those parameters of consideration, it would be my guess that seeing one of their vehicles is in no way something that should engender fear or concern. You would no more be afraid of a police officer or soldier who stopped someone from robbing or killing you.

I hope with this analogy, you may feel more at ease about what we are discussing here. It seems clear to me that most if not all "reasonable" human beings (regardless of what planet they inhabit) want the same things..."Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

I doubt anyone other than the most evil of beings would have it any other way. While we know such evil does exist (as evidenced by the Nazi's and Islamic extremists among others throughout history), it would not seem all that reasonable to assume that this is the "rule, not the exception" in the cosmos. The ability to conquer and the choice to do so may be disparate for reasonable minds.

Of course, you could argue that they could possess the evil intent so often portrayed in the movies, but then why wait till 2012 to do it? If we had what they want, they could get it any time they why be afraid?

What is important is that because we, human beings on earth, (as opposed to human beings from another planet) fear the unknown, our response to such ideas frequently includes the use of violence to "defend ourselves" from such "invasion". (Remember the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still"? It is a very good lesson in this very subject. At least the movie maker took the concept and presented both sides of the "arguement".

If enough people have enough fear, civil un-rest and panic easily abound and then we see the reactions which occurred during the radio show "War of the Worlds" in 1939. That really did happen. The "aliens" weren't here but people without adequate information made incorrect and obviously dangerous assumptions to the contrary which resulted in mass hysteria and catastrophe for many.

Consider the possibilities herein offered and also give consideration to the concepts that much of the "technological advancements" made by us on earth (e.g. starting with how to make fire) might have been given to us by these "aliens" in an effort to help us grow and develop. The possibilites of such considerations are endless and can if allowed, bring us feelings of comfort and peace. We are using this computer to communicate, aren't we? Where did THAT technology come from? :caf Was it REALLY just a weather balloon that crashed in Roswell in 1949? :he

Hopefully, you will consider these possibilities as well as your own fears when you think about this in the future and hopefully come to a conclusion that eliminates fear and concern. It's a lot more fun to NOT be afraid if you ask me. I remember a scene in a movie with Will Smith. He is a US Marine pilot who beats some evil alien pilot to a pulp and steals their space craft. Don't ask me how he knew how to fly it but I completely shared his reaction to flying it..."I GOT to get me one of these..." :woot

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Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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2012 is not about aliens coming to earth so that association should be disgarded. if you listen to the mayan shamans 2012 is quite something else.

Many astronauts have seen UFo's that they believed to be from somewhere else than here. Many have been doing lectures and writing books about it for quite sometime. The internet is full of their stories if you look around

I guess its human nature to be afraid of things that are different than oneself.. it really is the basis of racism... fear of the other that is different than you. So I would assume that there will be a lot of racism regarding aliens if they every do in fact show on a world stage

Since I have seen quite a few UFO's and suffered no ill consequence I am willing to keep open my mind to what encounters could occur.
But from those who I know who have had more frequent and direct contact than me I have been warned that there are types of Aliens who do not have good intent for humanity.
I have learned that there are some aliens who have the capacity to read your thoughts and "psychically" connect with you if they choose. Those aliens who have taken people against their will and performed medical experiments on them are the ones to stay away from. They are generally known as greys.

Just like here on earth amongst people out in the stars there is duality, war and enlightement so discernment is required. My understanding is that not the best decisions have been made by our government in the past regarding aliens and the trade we have done with them.

I think primative cultures though out the ages have know of aliens... it is recorded in their art. I think its kind of arrogant to assume that people of primative cultures are less intuitive and aware than we are. They are capable of integrating new information within their social sturctures. .. and certainly the Dogan are a prime example. The Dogan "appear" very primative by our general standards yet they cope quite well with what they know without loosing cultural integrity, they opened new ways of perceiving the world.

Quite a while back I posted a series of drawings, paintings of UFO's done thoughout history. I have taken them off because this website offers only limited photo posting opportuntiy. You can see them here on this other site.

Some of the paintings are done during the middle ages and renassiance and are of a religious nature, likely Catholic. Some of these ufos are found painted on the ceilings of churches in Europe... but here we are now with the Vatican now finally accepting that they could be a reality as well as children of gods creation also, in a statement they realeased over a year ago. Probably if you talked about stuff like this too much way back when you would get burned at the stake.. and such attitude I think is not from primativeness but from power, domination and fear of loosing it. Lets face it the church back then didn't like anybody who thought or did differently. Galileo died in prison for what he knew. So what is primative anyway?

Holding back knowledge for the good of others is to me the epitome of arrogance and condensension. Our government has been involved in such matters for a long long time and it holds people back from opportunity to learn and grow and expand their horizons.

These revelatons made on CNN news of course is not new information, many many people have known this stuff for a long time. The difference now is that the powers that be have decided that it is now going to be socially acceptable on a national and international scale to open the dialague without condemnation. Governemnt denial of truth has been holding us back from perceiving into new realities in the larger cultural milieu.


On Vacation
Sep 24, 2010
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I can't wait. Maybe they have been watching the Earth long enough to know where man really came from. Maybe they will save us from ourselves. Maybe they will just kill all of us. Maybe they are waiting for the population to hit 8 Billion so they can harvest us. Maybe that's why Obama won't show us his real birth certificate.

If a space ship came down to Earth, would you go back with them like Dreyfus did in Close Encounters?

Actually I feel the same about UFO's as I do about a God. I think the chances of UFO's are greater though. I base that on the ancient Mayans and the ancient Egyptians. I also feel the Bible may be based on some of that. God may actually be an Alien race.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 18, 2010
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Dunkopf said:
. . . God may actually be an Alien race.
'WE made man in OUR own image.' I have thought about this for many years.


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
I guess its human nature to be afraid of things that are different than oneself.. it really is the basis of racism... fear of the other that is different than you. So I would assume that there will be a lot of racism regarding aliens if they every do in fact show on a world stage
I would think based on the racism we see daily from people who have no tolerance for other people who are only slightly different, my guess would be that your statement here is a correct assesment.

Just like here on earth amongst people out in the stars there is duality, war and enlightement so discernment is required.
I have wondered if the increased sightings might possibly be good showing a heavy protective presence to the bad.


On Vacation
Sep 24, 2010
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I hope the racist will be able to keep it under control if we are ever visited by aliens. If they have the technology to travel through space then I'm sure that they would be able to destroy us fairly easily.

By the way I have been criticized for a prior statement about Obama's BC. I was being very factitious and didn't mean that.

I believe there are other life forms out there somewhere. As big as the Universe is there has to be another life sustaining planet or two. If there is, than it only makes sense that some form of life would develop like it did on earth.

I think most UFO sightings are false. Most likely they are all false. It is fun to think about though.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 18, 2010
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Dunkopf said:
. . . By the way I have been criticized for a prior statement about Obama's BC.
What's BC?


On Vacation
Sep 24, 2010
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Boogity said:
Dunkopf said:
. . . By the way I have been criticized for a prior statement about Obama's BC.
What's BC?
Birth Certificate. Yes it's still an issue for some reason. Don't talk about it though. I was just being funny, but you have to have a special level of humor to appreciate the joke.