DIY ink for dipping pens: Mrs. Stewart's bluing, et al


Enjoys Recycling
Oct 29, 2008
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Being one of those who prefers to write with a fountain pen, I decided to try my hand at writing with a dipping pen. In pricing inks for dipping pens, I found them too expensive.

I read that Mrs. Stewart's liquid bluing can be used for ink. I am experimenting with using it, as is, out of the bottle. I plan to get some gum arabic and try adding a bit of that.

Does anyone here have experience with using liquid bluing as ink? I know it was popular during the Great Depression, and during the Civil War, as writing ink. I don't need it to be indelible.

If you have experience with using bluing or other easy solutions, such as very strong black tea and gum arabic, I'd enjoy reading what adaptations or adjustments you've made.

Many thanks. :)