Mountain Sage
What flowers do you grow at your place? What flowers would you like to grow? Are there reasons you grow certain ones? Are there certain flowers that just own your heart? Show your flowers!!!!
I'm kind of haphazard in my planting of flowers, so no real plan from year to year. This soil isn't the greatest, so I'm slowly learning what it will grow and what it won't. For the past several decades, Dad wouldn't really let Mom plant any flowers here, so we never got to do this discovery and research before. I also have a very decidedly black thumb, so the fact that ANY thing grows after I touch it is a huge miracle to me.
Currently we have two different kinds of clematis, though my fave is the deep purple Jackmanii that I bought for another home back in the 90s but moved here when I moved away from there. It's consistently a great vine, no matter what the set backs, climbs to the top of the porch and blooms beautifully each year. Each year we cut it back to about a foot tall and the process is repeated all over again.
We have a few roses, but tea roses tend to do best of all here. I've planted many and many have died.
Honeysuckle does well here, so we have plenty of that...both in the woods nearby but also at the porch and over the garden gate. I planted a few pink honeysuckles that I got at an end of year sale last fall and they are already blooming and doing well where planted.
I have odds and ends of other perennials but none have done real well except the mint~peonies(blooming for the first time in 11 yrs this year), tickseed, Black eyed Susan, chives, chocolate mint(don't EVER plant takes over and cannot be killed~thank you sister Penny for that particular blight on the landscape), butterfly bush(last year was the first good year of bloom for that thing and this year it seems to be doing even better), lilac(yet to bloom at all and this is the second year).
Every year we usually plant some annuals bought at a local nursery but this year I wanteded to plant from seed~zinnias, marigolds, wild flower mix. I have done this and have had spotty results, both in the flower beds and in the garden. I also have a few annuals in a few pots on the porch and a few near a bench in the garden~mostly petunias and lobelia.
Some of the flowers and vines so far this year...
The Jackmanii...not all the way to the top yet, nor ready to bloom. Usually blooms in June.
Chives...I have 3-4 of these in the garden but this is the first year they've bloomed. Supposed to be able to eat the blossoms too.
White/yellow honeysuckle and the new pink honeysuckle by the garden gate....
Peonies...blooming for the first time in 11 yrs...I hope...
Mom's old tea rose, finally seeming to get the benefit of the BTE method of gardening.
The front flower bed, planted to wildflowers, zinnias and marigolds...had to cover them with a deer netting to insure their growth and survival. Didn't get around to doing that in the other flower beds and the chickens did for them...will have to replant.
The "other clematis", so named because no one can remember its name...doesn't get very tall and blooms earlier than the other one.
This is Mom's porch honeysuckle~usually. This past fall she whacked it all off before I could stop her and now it has to start all over again...will take a few years to get this full and lovely again, I'm sure.
I'm kind of haphazard in my planting of flowers, so no real plan from year to year. This soil isn't the greatest, so I'm slowly learning what it will grow and what it won't. For the past several decades, Dad wouldn't really let Mom plant any flowers here, so we never got to do this discovery and research before. I also have a very decidedly black thumb, so the fact that ANY thing grows after I touch it is a huge miracle to me.
Currently we have two different kinds of clematis, though my fave is the deep purple Jackmanii that I bought for another home back in the 90s but moved here when I moved away from there. It's consistently a great vine, no matter what the set backs, climbs to the top of the porch and blooms beautifully each year. Each year we cut it back to about a foot tall and the process is repeated all over again.
We have a few roses, but tea roses tend to do best of all here. I've planted many and many have died.
Honeysuckle does well here, so we have plenty of that...both in the woods nearby but also at the porch and over the garden gate. I planted a few pink honeysuckles that I got at an end of year sale last fall and they are already blooming and doing well where planted.
I have odds and ends of other perennials but none have done real well except the mint~peonies(blooming for the first time in 11 yrs this year), tickseed, Black eyed Susan, chives, chocolate mint(don't EVER plant takes over and cannot be killed~thank you sister Penny for that particular blight on the landscape), butterfly bush(last year was the first good year of bloom for that thing and this year it seems to be doing even better), lilac(yet to bloom at all and this is the second year).
Every year we usually plant some annuals bought at a local nursery but this year I wanteded to plant from seed~zinnias, marigolds, wild flower mix. I have done this and have had spotty results, both in the flower beds and in the garden. I also have a few annuals in a few pots on the porch and a few near a bench in the garden~mostly petunias and lobelia.
Some of the flowers and vines so far this year...
The Jackmanii...not all the way to the top yet, nor ready to bloom. Usually blooms in June.
Chives...I have 3-4 of these in the garden but this is the first year they've bloomed. Supposed to be able to eat the blossoms too.
White/yellow honeysuckle and the new pink honeysuckle by the garden gate....
Peonies...blooming for the first time in 11 yrs...I hope...
Mom's old tea rose, finally seeming to get the benefit of the BTE method of gardening.
The front flower bed, planted to wildflowers, zinnias and marigolds...had to cover them with a deer netting to insure their growth and survival. Didn't get around to doing that in the other flower beds and the chickens did for them...will have to replant.
The "other clematis", so named because no one can remember its name...doesn't get very tall and blooms earlier than the other one.
This is Mom's porch honeysuckle~usually. This past fall she whacked it all off before I could stop her and now it has to start all over again...will take a few years to get this full and lovely again, I'm sure.