quinoa...plus bread question


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ok lets cover the bread issue first...
mum makes bread in her breadmaker, she uses a basic white bread recipie thats in the book that came with the maker, follows the recipie EXACTLY...
but the bread always comes out VERY heavy/dense...
she uses a bread flower...
weve tried taking it out of the breadmaker imediatly, and tried leaving it in the breadmaker to cool, both methods give us the same results of a very dense bread...

now in terms of tastes, its YUMMY, especially warm with a good amount of butter spead on it...
but we cant figure out why were not getting the ligth and fluffy results everyone else gets.

also does anyone have a good breadmaker recipie for a gluten free bread. mum might be allergic to gluten, but is addicted to bread, and i think trying to switch away from gluten would be easier if she coudl still have a limited gluten or gluten free slice for toasting in the mornings.

part 2:
ive reacently discovered this wonderfull little seed, being wheat and gluten free, and being a complete protein and so filling, its not "perfect" for me since surgery (being a 1/4 cup serving has 30g carbs), but when i need a pasta fix i sub in the quinoa and YUMM.

im playing with recipies to use it a little more, i have a wonderfull turkey meatloaf that im still playing with (needs still more seasnig as its turkey lol)

and tonight im having 2oz of chicken tenderloin, a home made low fat seasame ginger marinade/dressing with quinoa. OMG its so yummy!
i can only eat about 1/8th of a cup, so its realy not too bad (a full 1/4 cup is my max carbs per meal lol)

being its wheat and gluten free i think it would also be a great sub for my mum, so id love to hear what yall do with it...
breakfast lunch and dinner :D

my parrots LOVE it too!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I'm particularly interested in quinoa as well.......I plan to grow some and I've heard it is one of the most healthful grains to eat.