why did i get the messed up BB dog?


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 16, 2010
Reaction score
Santa Barbara
I got my labrador from a backyard breeder, I had previously had a well bred, rare lines, show labrador. When he died my mom and I went on the hunt, we even checked the so cal lab rescue, but no rescue would ever "approve" our house. (Free range chickens, old fencing, lots of small animals.) My mom also wanted a puppy since this is the first dog she's ever trained. So, she looked on kijiji, drove out to the desert the next day to pick this puppy up. Morally were we wrong? Of course. But tons of people had backyard bred dogs, so health never really crossed my mind.

When my mom got there, he looked like a hound, but after 5 hours of driving my mom took him anyways. The "breeder" gave my mom his shots record so far, the shots she wrote down were by "Fort Knox" ROFL. (For those that don't know, its Fort Dodge.) And he came on pedigree puppy. His AKC records (he's registered) do say he's lab, but to this day people question if he's hound x labrador.

So whatever, got my SUPER CUTE squishy puppy. When he was, 6 months? I first noticed his hip dysplaysia, x rays confirmed it when he was almost 11 months old. When he was 8ish months old, he was at doggie day care, snapped at/ate a bee and we found out he's *highly* allergic to bees, we have to carry an epi-pen. He has to go straight to the vet and get steroids. A month later I didn't think about it, let him pounce into clover and he broke out in hives immediately from a bee sting to his face. He's has horrid skin allergies, but we also live in a high allergy area, 3/4 dogs have skin allergies. Right now the sage is blooming so he's constantly itching, but his skin isn't red and he has no fleas.

The kicked to my karma?! He got pneumonia this week. PNEUMONIA IN A DOG. Yeah, we have no idea how. We (boss, vet tech) and I think he's immuno compromised, maybe allergies are making it worse right now? We don't know.

He's a "genetic mess" according to my boss, and he's only 14 months old. Of course karma would hit me because I did backyard bred, right?!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Sorry to hear that. :hugs And that's one reason I haven't gotten a dog yet. Periodically, I'll look, but can't afford any of the puppies I see from the breeders.

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
Sorry to hear about your dog. :( In one so young too, I know it makes you question what you will have to deal with in future. I have a cat that I rescued as a kitten that has similar issues ... fortunately cats can live completely indoors, but I do have to watch, she still gets sick, and has the allergy issues too. It does seem to have improved for her over the past two years (she's coming up on three ... her kittenhood was the worst).

I hope your dog improves too.

I don't know about karma. I guess buying a poorly-bred animal ... likely mean problems later. I know what you mean about not being able to afford a puppy. Every one I wanted was $1200 and up (sometimes WAY up .... saw a nice $4K puppy ... ):hide

I ended up buying from someone who apparently loves the breed, loves animals, and had actually unplanned litters. She didn't sell him with papers, though he is purebred. That's ok by me. I don't intend to breed him, so I don't need papers. I did check her place and her dogs as carefully as I could. She had 4 generations and his parents were not related to one another, and all her dogs appeared healthy with nice temperaments, well-cared for, and very consistent in their conformation. But "backyard breeder" ... I guess she was?

For that matter, I guess I was? I bought a female pup from imported lines. I wanted to breed her, so I sought expert advice and found a very expensive, also imported stud who was available for a portion of the litter in lieu of fees. And I bred some very nice puppies. I found good homes, people were standing in line to buy them, and I put a return to breeder clause in the sales contract.

I dunno, I guess I feel badly for hearing you say you were morally wrong. Especially since it was your mom who drove out and got hooked by a cute bundle of puppiness, and not even you. I hope your pup improves. Hopefully his temperament is good, at least? It does sound like a heartbreaking situation, though.


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 16, 2010
Reaction score
Santa Barbara
When I say backyard breeder, I mean more idiots :D Not you lol, this lady we got Jax from was THE idiot breeder.

He has the most amazing temperment ever. Never a bark, growl, snarl or offer to bite. You can pinch him super hard and he just stares at you. He is in therapy dog training, already visited a family member who was in hospice...every day :) His willingness to go anywhere, try anything and lay his life down for you is the best part to come out of this. He never questions what you teach him, he trusts anyone fully with training.

I just feel bad that physically, he's not tip top shape, you know? He can't pounce through clover like the silly puppy he is. And now he's so sick :( Although I'm sick right now too, so he is happy cuddling under the blankets with me w/ the humidifier on.

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
Awww, poor guy. :(

Here I was wishing him to be a wonderful dog otherwise, and I'm glad he is. But reading that just makes me all the sadder for him and for you with him being ill.

I really hope he's better very soon, and I hope the other problems with him improve. Poor puppy, and poor you. :(

And I hope you get better soon! I've got yet another cold from the kids, so I can commiserate.
