Is Our Economy Going To Crash?

Is our economy going to crash?

  • It is going to crash hard, all at once.

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • It will be a slow gradual decline.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It is crashing now and is already in decline.

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • My personal economy already has crashed.

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • My personal econony ain't doing so hot.

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • We will have a depression worse then the 1930's

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Our econony is wonderful.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • There will be no crash, how ridiculous!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My personal economy has never been better!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • There will be no depression.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
This is an open discussion on our economy. What is your opinion and please no flaming arguments. I listen to the news, read, read some more, study, dig deep trying to learn all I can, and I am convinced that we have some hard times coming. It doesn't matter which side wins the upcoming election, this country is in too deep to climb out and drastic measures will come. I believe at this point we have to take precautions as best as we can to take care of ourselves, our family, friends and community. Many of us already prep because that is kinda like SS anyway, but this is not about prepping. Countries around the world are already experiencing crashing economies and aren't in as deep of debt as we are. What makes us think that only other countries have to pay for what their self serving politicos have done while we skip off happily into the sunset? It seems like much of the world has been in party mode and the consequences are just starting to show up. The part that pisses me off so bad is that those who put us here won't be the ones to pay the consequences, we will. And our children, grand children and when will it ever end and get better?

If I sound on the dark side instead of my usual cheery self, it is just the part of me that doesn't ignore reality. Yes, I do keep a happy attitude, but I stand square and face what is coming head on. No blinders, no ponies and rainbows, I just learned a long time ago that that a good attitude goes a long way in dealing with hard times.

So, what is your opinion? Let's get the party started!


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 24, 2016
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not here
Actually, I could have voted for 3 out of the first 6 choices.

Politics aside, no matter who wins the Presidential election, I believe our economy will crash along with the rest of the world, and not too far in the distant future, and there will be chaos and anarchy...which has already begun. You cannot have the world economic leader almost 20 Trillion in debt and sustain our economy. I believe our country is at a point of no return; that it will get much worse before it gets better. I also believe the struggle between good and evil will escalate. I believe my "golden years" will be anything but golden. I also believe that most citizens, of our country and other affluent countries, are completely out of touch...more interested in the latest app or movie or their next lay, while forming their world views from sound bites and social media and wanting a free handout or the easy life. I don't blame "those that put us here", but us. We allowed it. As a whole, we have not learned from history while we are too caught up in our own pleasures and give little attention to reality. I just put the Colossal Security Pack from Seeds for Security ( in my freezer this afternoon. I ordered it last week. Next is dehydrated 25 year food, a wood stove, some solar power and water purification items, and 2 law enforcement pump shotguns. Some may make fun of this, but I am not going to wait for our government in case of an emergency, which I believe is inevitable. Just my opinion.
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Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
IMO it's been obvious for years that the SWHTF, just when will it go into high gear is the question. I don't think we will see a "bank's are closed" situation anytime soon but, everything has been going in the wrong direction for a long, long time.

Sadly one real issue is that in today's world, many have NO IDEA how to survive once the "hand that feeds them" stops the $$$ flow. Some don't even know that you can put a dried bean in the ground and it will grow more beans! The alternatives of violence can be seen already, for far less problems than economic.

LIFE is so different now. When you don't even know (even by sight) your neighbors and prep for nothing, you are in trouble. The family -- as it was once known -- is not often seen now. Personally I feel it is one reason the general population has lost many values & structure. Our tech media has taken over & can be so very impersonal & dangerous, as much as it can be an awesome method to connect. The World has issues & hate.

I believe that I need to go feed the goats & chickens -- less stress.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 24, 2016
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not here
This morning we purchased 2 - Mossberg Maverick 88 shotguns. We have been talking about getting them for a long time.

We went into the sporting goods store to buy a couple of pouches of Mountain House Freeze Dried, 25 year food. After reading about so many of these survival food companies, I kept seeing that Mountain House is the "gold standard". But, before buying a supply, we wanted to try a couple of them. We decided to try the Chili Mac with Beef and the Spaghetti with Meat Sauce. We will most likely end up buying at least a 3 month supply to have on hand as "insurance", however we also will be able to rely on our canned goods, and we are going to buy an Excalibur Dehydrator and start dehydrating and vacuum sealing our own food as well. I would love to get a freeze dryer, but they cost about $4000.

Well, anyway, while we were in the store, we decided to look at the shotguns. We had narrowed it down to the Remington 870 and the Mossberg 500. After spending time with the salesman, we settled on the Maverick 88 which is a less expensive version of the 500. I hope we never have to use them to protect ourselves and our property, but feel good that we now have 2 good home security shotguns.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
My economy stays in a pretty constant state, no matter what's going on out there in the world, so much so that I didn't even know that anything had happened in 2008....someone had a thread on here asking if we were doing anything different since 2008 and I had to ask what happened then. :D

I never really think about it, nor do I listen to the news or read the news, nor do we have TV. It just doesn't concern me much, nor has it ever. I just live my life and adjust to the changes as best I can, trusting God to handle the rest. His Grace is sufficient for me! :love

Matthew 6 talks about such things and tells me not to worry, so I don't. :weee


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
@MoonShadows you will love your Excalibur!! I bought the 9 tray and also got 9 solid sheets to go with it. You can make your own fruit leathers with the solid sheets. I also bought a food saver and use it to seal up dehydrated foods. I recently dry canned dried tomatoes. I packed them in half pint jars and put them in the oven at 300 degrees for 15 minutes. That was just enough to pop a seal.

@Beekissed you are blessed in that you live a self sufficient life. Many are not as fortunate as you and a rumble in the country's economy will hurt and hurt deeply. Most of us on here are committed to being as SS as possible. But if this country takes a deep dive, it will hurt everyone. Anything that is imported, and what is NOT imported these days, will skyrocket in price. The higher prices will make it difficult for the average family to get by.

We are blessed to live in a great community. We have good neighbors.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 24, 2016
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not here
@baymule we have been eyeing the Excalibur for months, especially each time we fire up our old dehydrator. I'm going to start looking for the best price I can find on the internet and buy it.

I guess the more self sufficient you are, the less an economic disaster will affect you. We are semi-self sufficient, but with us both still working (one full time and one part time) and our home business, we still depend very much dependent on our economy. We are moving more and more towards self sufficiency, but if a disaster were to happen in the near future, we would suffer quite a bit. That is why we are accelerating our efforts towards self sufficiency.

@Beekissed, you are blessed. I long for the time when I can say what you can. A work in progress.....

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Some of my fondest memories are of my grandparents who lived much as phone, TV, newspaper, etc. Very self-sufficient. The cellar in hillside behind house and the hen house were my favorite places to sit. Life was hard work but productive. My grandma made THE best bread ever in that wood stove!! :love

Kids and grands that we have raised in the past years have kept some of us more active in the current issues -- wanted or not -- but I do know HOW to survive and work toward total non-reliance on outside sources for the necessities.

I know I don't want to volunteer to give up "some" things I now enjoy -- but could. A happy medium with reserves "in case" is where I am with all this. Always have the "what if" alternatives running through my mind, just to be prepared for a devastating event -- a "savings account" of many things -- alternative cooking, heating, food, weapons, ammo, etc.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 24, 2016
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not here
@Mini Horses, my grandparents lived much the same way on their farm in Virginia. Like you, some of my fondest memories were visits to that homestead, and probably shaped much of the way I am now.

OK, unlike Nanny & Papa who didn't have one, I just purchased our Excalibur Dehydrator. Model 3926TB. The best price I could find was at Cabela's, and I got it for $215 including tax and shipping. It's due to arrive next week. Now, I can get rid of that old one we've had for so long.


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