Coronavirus Concern Up

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Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
Never would I have dreamed this would happen in the United States.

Awful as it sounds, I can understand why. Our medical professionals do not have enough or the right PPE to protect themselves. And they are supposed to resuscitate dying people with a highly contagious disease? As I read the article, it was not a blanket statement, the decision to not resuscitate someone is on a case by case basis, on who stands the best chance of surviving. It has to be gut wrenching for the people who are dedicated to saving lives, not letting them go. With so many doctors and nurses who are themselves getting sick, we must protect them. We need them, to care for those who can and do survive. If that sounds cold and uncaring, it is reality. Me personally, I would not give CPR to a known Covid 19, dying patient. Mouth to mouth? I don’t think so.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
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Zone 6B or 7 can't decide


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
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Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Awful as it sounds, I can understand why. Our medical professionals do not have enough or the right PPE to protect themselves. And they are supposed to resuscitate dying people with a highly contagious disease? As I read the article, it was not a blanket statement, the decision to not resuscitate someone is on a case by case basis, on who stands the best chance of surviving. It has to be gut wrenching for the people who are dedicated to saving lives, not letting them go. With so many doctors and nurses who are themselves getting sick, we must protect them. We need them, to care for those who can and do survive. If that sounds cold and uncaring, it is reality. Me personally, I would not give CPR to a known Covid 19, dying patient. Mouth to mouth? I don’t think so.

My wife, mother in law with consultation with a pastor had to make the horrible DNR decision with regards to my father in law. It's not a decision for a doctor, unless there is no family or next to kin but even then, it's against the Hippocratic Oath of do no harm. This is why I don't consider an abortion "doctor", a doctor.

Google "Hippocratic Oath of do no harm" and read for yourself.
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Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
Sadly, I must side with Bay on this. To expect a medical professional to place his/her life at risk in the performance of his/her job is not appropriate. If they don't have appropriate PPE, then, they can not do the job without risk to themselves and their families. Here's an example: Creal, would you perform CPR, including mouth to mouth resuscitation, on a known AIDS patient? Perhaps you would do so if you had an AMBU bag. But, would you place your mouth directly over that AIDS patient's mouth and swap spit, risk exposure to vomit regurgitation, and other body fluids? Now... if you were a health care worker, and told that you MUST now perform CPR without the benefit of an AMBU bag, because there aren't enough to go around... would you be willing to do so? Add to this, the fact that many of the folks who are falling to this illness have other co-morbidities... the issue becomes even more troubling. In no way am I saying that it is right for these decisions to be made without patient and family consent. This is a situation where there are no right answers. Everybody in this case draws the short straw.


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
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Shenandoah Valley, Va
The WHO is the most crooked organization there is.

Anyone on here read the EPOCH times? It is a weekly newspaper that seems to ferret out the truth. Not pro Trump or conservative but pretty much PRO - TRUTH no matter what. Some of what they have written about this C-virus and China's BS is unbelievable. . And they have unearthed stuff about WHO and the head of it and that he has been groomed by China..... and therefore caters to them. Also an article about how everyone in China has to have a cell phone as it is a way for them to track everyone....they need it for dr appts, for using their internet connections, for banking, for everything..... But with them only reporting x number of deaths, it has been reported elsewhere, that there are over 2.1 MILLION cell phone contracts that have been inactive for over 3 months........
Do you really think we are getting even a smidgeon of the truth from China ????? WRONG.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Sadly, I must side with Bay on this. To expect a medical professional to place his/her life at risk in the performance of his/her job is not appropriate. If they don't have appropriate PPE, then, they can not do the job without risk to themselves and their families. Here's an example: Creal, would you perform CPR, including mouth to mouth resuscitation, on a known AIDS patient? Perhaps you would do so if you had an AMBU bag. But, would you place your mouth directly over that AIDS patient's mouth and swap spit, risk exposure to vomit regurgitation, and other body fluids? Now... if you were a health care worker, and told that you MUST now perform CPR without the benefit of an AMBU bag, because there aren't enough to go around... would you be willing to do so? Add to this, the fact that many of the folks who are falling to this illness have other co-morbidities... the issue becomes even more troubling. In no way am I saying that it is right for these decisions to be made without patient and family consent. This is a situation where there are no right answers. Everybody in this case draws the short straw.

I think it healthy to disagree. It's a learning opportunity for me most of the time. That's why I married a super sassy woman.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
As I have always said -- the trickle down is my concern with this pandemic...not the virus itself.

So we have people at home, many not working, no income. Plants closing, no food processing. Crops and animals not being into food chain. People with no food $$, food banks with no food....collapse of economy, in general.

This "life" situation is far worse than a virus, IMO. YES, people die with this virus. They will die with no food, also. I see crime to be an increasing issue as these things continue -- like we need MORE crime??

I sent 15 doz eggs to help co-workers at my DDs work for tomorrow. Glad to do. Can't do every week. Hope it helps this week. I am going to hatch a good amount of eggs this year, to be able to have eggs to share next winter....and chickens to butcher. Hopeful this garden is amazing! I will share fresh and can all I have time to do. I see a long, hard year for Americans coming up!

The stipend coming? That will be needed each month!! Ain't gonna happen. I tell ya, times will be tough, sooner than later and longer than wanted.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Sadly, I must side with Bay on this. To expect a medical professional to place his/her life at risk in the performance of his/her job is not appropriate. If they don't have appropriate PPE, then, they can not do the job without risk to themselves and their families. Here's an example: Creal, would you perform CPR, including mouth to mouth resuscitation, on a known AIDS patient? Perhaps you would do so if you had an AMBU bag. But, would you place your mouth directly over that AIDS patient's mouth and swap spit, risk exposure to vomit regurgitation, and other body fluids? Now... if you were a health care worker, and told that you MUST now perform CPR without the benefit of an AMBU bag, because there aren't enough to go around... would you be willing to do so? Add to this, the fact that many of the folks who are falling to this illness have other co-morbidities... the issue becomes even more troubling. In no way am I saying that it is right for these decisions to be made without patient and family consent. This is a situation where there are no right answers. Everybody in this case draws the short straw.

One thing y'all don't understand is this....nurses and doctors go into this profession knowing that every single day their life is at risk, PPE or no. There are some cases and situations in which no amount of PPE could have protected nor could anyone have predicted that this person would hock a big lugy in one's open mouth at any given happens more than you know when doing simple trach care or any life saving situation. :sick I worked a vent unit for years and it's always fraught with bodily fluids being sprayed onto one's body.

They are much like soldiers, wherein they knew the risks when they signed up for the job....we all did and do, and have all been at one time or another at risk from contagion from HIV, AIDS, MRSA, VRE, etc. on a daily basis. If a soldier or a cop doesn't have their bullet proof vest, helmet, properly armored transport vehicle can they just decide they don't want to do their job that day because it puts them at risk? Nope...not in the real world. You sign up for the job, you take the pay and you knew the risks when you decided on that don't get to play God, you took an oath before that God and your government to save lives to the best of your ability whether you are in a high risk situation or not, whether you have adequate protection or not.....sometimes real life doesn't provide protection from everything.

Simply put, it's part of the job. Don't want the risk, don't do the job. I became a nurse knowing full well that I risked illness every single day....if I worried about that at all, I'd never have become a nurse. Anyone willing to put their own life in front of the life of their patient has no business being in that profession.
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Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I absolutely agree with @Beekissed on this. There are no guarantees in this life. In the 14th century doctors were out there doing the best they could to help plague victims with no more protection than a bird-shaped mask stuffed with nice smelling herbs in the beak and no idea what was causing the illness nor any idea how to cure it. Every day, soldiers are getting horribly maimed or killed despite the best equipment money can buy, or having to gun down children because the children are shooting at them. Life is full of horrible no-win situations that we, in our first world complacency, don't want to contemplate.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
101 cases in my county now.

@farmerrjan that is interesting about the EPOCH news, I will go look that up. A friend had said that over 2 million people were missing in China, I wondered where he got that number. I'll have to ask him. It would be refreshing to actually read something without a political (lying) slant to it.

there was a short blurb on the news just now showing cars lined up for miles to get food from a food bank. I didn't get the city where it was. It showed green beans in the field with no one to pick them. Workers are sick in the meat processing plants and Smithfield in South Dakota (pork producer owned my China) is shut down. Cargil is operating on reduced production, as is Sanderson Farms. This is going to severely hurt the food chain. Anybody out there without the means to raise their own needs to stock up all they can. Now. Anybody out there with the means to raise their own, needs to snag a couple of feeder pigs before their price hits the moon. If you run out of feed at anytime in their growth, then you just butcher a little sooner.
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