Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Well, here it is Tuesday already - how did that happen? I still haven't disbudded that baby yet. Geeze, I've been lazy the last few days. Having company all weekend, and feeling poorly got me totally offa my schedule! And, it's crazy hot and doesn't look to be lettin' up anytime soon. What else is new, lol?

I'm kinda excited that my rescued tomatoes have been doing well. I've even got a couple fruits on the vine and no stinkin' stinkbugs in sight. How cool is that?! I think my "MO" from now on will be to wait on tomatoes. The ones planted in early spring simply get eaten up by the bugs...but the current ones are doing well. Now - with the heat I might not get much action until fall, but I'm ok with that. I just want to get enough tomatoes to make some salsa. I was lucky to get a couple gallon bags in the freezer before the spring plants took a dive, so I can use them too.

I took a chance and planted some green beans in a raised bed. Lo and behold - they are doing well also. They're almost to the point of blooming - so I might get a crop offa them too. And, it's so much easier to tend to the plants in the raised beds because they're soooo much closer to the house. The big garden is pretty much done even though I still find a pepper or two for DH...and the tomato plants are still kickin' so I'm definitely going to try to root some more cuttings from them. I put a couple 'mater plants in a big tote the other day and they look good so far - and they even have a couple blooms on 'em.

Heard that there's something "tropical" brewing out there. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to be on track to grow. I'm saying plenty of thankful prayers over that one!

Still excited about our upcoming vacation - but geeze - will it ever get here? September seems a long ways off.

And, speaking of excited! I was cleaning out my purse today and found several checks that DH stashed in there. I can't believe he does that - just sticks 'em in a side pocket of my purse and forgets to tell me they're there and that I need to deposit them. One of 'em is from back in April! Glad I found 'em before they expired! I WILL be making a run to the Credit Union at lunchtime today!

Keep cool, ya'll!
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Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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It really is because the checks were for a substantial amount.... like almost enough to cover the balance on the vacation! They are safely in the savings account now - made that trip to the CU at lunch!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Yay for found money! I love it!
It's getting hot again here too and I'm afraid I'm going to lose my motivation as well....

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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And I thought I was doing good when I found over $2.00 in change when I was doing the laundry today.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
One of my co-workers asked me how I didn't miss that much money. DH gets expense checks because he travels some with his work. But, because his travel is sporadic they aren't regular checks that I wanted to depend on. Soooo, a long time ago I started putting them in a separate savings account. Guess the savings account lived in my purse since April, lol.

That's what I get for being a "stasher". A few days ago I was digging through my closet when I found some previously purchased Christmas gifts for one of the grandkids. There they were - right where I stashed 'em! I also "stash" my egg money in my office since most of my egg sales are at work. It was nice to have it here because the other day one of our students was in a huge bind and I was able to give him a helping hand...thanks to my hens!

One of my co-workers daughters', who is an incredible athlete, was injured in camp Monday. She'll be getting an MRI today to see if she tore her ACL... If ya'll have any spare prayers I know they'd appreciate them.

I'm the only one in the office this week and I've got a lot to do today. We're having our annual banquet next week and I need to pick up some tablecloths and table decorations. I don't mind at all, cuz it's kinda nice to get paid for shopping and especially when I'm shopping with someone else's money!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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The daughter of my co-worker really made a mess out of her knee. She has a total tear of the ACL, stretched her MCL, has an impaction injury and a bruised bone. Whew! She'll be doing 4 weeks of "prehab" for the MCL and have surgery towards the end of August. Poor girl...

We've got the framework finished for the new chicken coop. Maybe tomorrow, or even later this evening we can get some of the roof on. It's waaaay too hot out there to do much until the sun gets a little less intense.

Found some basil hiding in the garden that I missed earlier. I might whip it into pesto and put some in the freezer. I do loooove pesto.

Had a puny goat yesterday- laying around and not wanting her dinner. It's one that I usually can't catch, so it was a dead give away that she wasn't feeling good when I could walk right up to her. I took advantage of that situation to get some de-wormer into her. I followed that up with some probiotic paste and she looked okay this morning. Her appetite was back today too - so I'm gonna say she was just needing a good worming.

We were working on removing an old fence post this morning before it got too hot. The post rotted off and we've still gotta get the concrete bottom out. What a pain - but it'll come out pretty good with a jack. Whole lot easier than trying to dig it all the way out.

I've got an egg-eating chicken identified. I guess I should make dog food out of her - stoopid chicken. Between her and the dog I haven't gotten too many eggs lately. The dog is one of the reasons for replacing this old post. It's a gate post and when it was broken off it sure made it hard to close the gate tight enough to keep the dog out, lol. And - when the outside goats saw the dog go through - they learned to follow her right on in. Stoopid goats, stoopid chicken, stoopid dog! Argh!

Guess I better go get all those stoopid critters fed...except for the dog...she's full of eggs.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Lol gotta love it when everything gets silly!
We don't have egg eating chickens except for the broken ones thankfully!

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