Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm beat! And, I didn't get everything done. But the tomatoes have all been run thru the strainer and are in a big pot in the fridge. I didn't get any of the kitchen cleaned up, and am too tired to do it tonight. So that will get done tomorrow night. That's when I'm going to be cooking down the sauce.

I didn't touch the goat pen. I forgot that I was bringing my bunny home tonight. And the time that I'd planned on working in the goat pen instead got spent working on getting the bunny all set up. I think, no matter the sex, I'm going to call the bunny Thumper. It's been doing some thumping and it's super cute.

Hubby didn't stop at the farm on his way home, so nothing got done on the hay shelter. So that means, since they're calling for Tstorms tomorrow afternoon and evening, I'm going to have to rig up a tarp to cover that one section and the front tomorrow.

We've ordered take outs, so I'm waiting for them to get here. I think I'm going to go to bed real early tonight. I think it will help me get stuff done tomorrow.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Looks like I'm not cooking down the sauce tonight. Hubby said B4 he left that he might stop at the farm tonight. So, I'm going to be going to the farm later so it won't matter too much if I don't leave when I'd planned to. And since they're now calling for the rain tomorrow instead of tonight, errands that I had planned on running this afternoon will get run tomorrow afternoon instead. I'll also be cooking down the sauce tomorrow instead of today.

I went out and checked on my bunny. (S)he wouldn't let me catch him (her). Instead, it just thumped and ran off. So I'll have to do some work to get it tamed. And the name is definitely Thumper. I'm not sure when we're going to get the other cage redone. Hubby had originally been against it. But now that we've talked some, he thinks it's a good idea.

The past 2 days when I've gotten out to the farm, I've found my broody on the wrong eggs. That meant I had to put her back on the right eggs. I have the little thing I made for her, but had taken the mesh off of it when I had my injured chick. So today, I'll be taking the tarp I had put on the sides off and will be putting the mesh back on. This way, no one can get in there when I'm not there. And while I'll have food and water in there for her, most days I'll be taking it out for at least an hour or so-until the time that she's going to be hatching out the chicks.

I have a lot to get done, and am not getting it done sitting here. So, I need to get a move on. My list for today is:

1. Wash and hang out a load of laundry (not sure yet what I have that still needs washing)
2. Do dishes (I'm waiting until I do the sauce to clean the kitchen, otherwise I'd do that too)
3. Work in bedroom
4. Normal farm chores
5. Do some work w/the tractor. I want to move the rest of the stones in my area out of there, and spread part of Mt. Manure around to level off the ground. And I have one fence post that needs to be fixed.
6. Make my broody safe
7. Work on hay shelter-either finish the roof, or just cover it w/a big tarp
8. Work in garden
9. Clean goat pen
10. Feed bunny and goats

I think that's plenty for today. I'm hoping I can get to bed early again tonight. I'm still tired, but not quite as bad as I was yesterday.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Your days sound about like mine lately... ugh. I hope things slow down in fall! I could use a break!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I thought I was going to be able to relax some this summer since I wasn't working! :lol: What was I thinking?

My broody is now safe. I'm not sure how many fake eggs she has under her, but she's happy. So, hopefully, she won't object if I sneak extra chicks in w/her.

I didn't get done everything I wanted to do w/the tractor. RU was using it, so I didn't get on it until around 2:00. But, I got some stuff done. I put some of the rocks in the lane where it's really muddy. Hopefully, this will help. Then I took some, and filled in a couple of holes in CL's stalls, and put some in front of her part of the run in. Hopefully, this will help w/the mud. By the time I was done this, it was around 3:30. I almost forgot that I had to clean my field, so I did that while I was waiting for the tractor. Once I had it, I went ahead and spread my manure.

W/that done, I parked the tractor, then fed Stormy. While he was eating, I got my tank scrubbed and refilled, and moved the wire in my field. Had fun rounding up the chickens today cuz Emily and her chicks didn't want to go where they belonged. But, I was finally able to get them in where they belonged and was finally able to leave.

Got the goat pen partially cleaned out, and was all ready to start in the garden when hubby had me call the guy that's putting new tires on my bike. He had told me to call and remind him that I'd be dropping it off tomorrow. But w/the weather they're calling for, he suggested I drop it off tonight. Checked w/hubby, he was fine w/it, so we dropped it off. Hubby and the guy started talking and talked forever! And, I wanted to go home. Then he wanted to stop someplace and eat on the way home. I just wanted to get home. So we came home. It was still light out, so I went out and worked in the garden for a bit. I'm hoping I can finish weeding this section tomorrow. Then on Saturday, I can get some fall stuff planted.

I've had my shower and I've eaten. So now I'm just relaxing for a bit B4 I head to bed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Don't know for sure what all I'm getting done today. They're calling for showers. I'm thinking of going back to bed for a bit after hubby leaves. Because of him talking forever last night, I got to bed late. So, I didn't get enough sleep. Plus, they're calling for rain today at times. It's not like I'm going to be able to do a lot outside. So, my list for today is:

1. Work in basement
2. Put away any laundry that's still out
3. Normal farm chores
4. If it's not raining, find something to do out at the farm, just not sure what
5. Run some errands
6. Finish sauce
7. Clean kitchen
8. Dishes
9. Work in garden
10. Feed goats and bunnies

I forgot to post this yesterday. After getting a load in the washer, I went ahead and picked up all the laundry on the floor in front of my laundry bin. And while it's still overly full, there nothing on the floor! I was able to clean right there. I could not tell you when the last time is that I've been able to do that. So that means I have a clean path to the washer and dryer! I'll be continuing to sort thru and wash stuff. I know I have to do 1 normal load next week, don't know if I'll need to do any more than that, but it feels good. I'm still hoping to have a yard sale next week.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I got almost nothing on my list done today. I just wasn't feeling that well this morning, so I went back to bed. And I didn't want to get involved in much at the farm because they were calling for rain. But, I did do some weeding. I'm loving this tool we got. I'm really getting the hang of it. While it won't work to get the really big dock roots out, it does take out at least the top. So I'm hoping that if I can spend some time every day getting rid of some of them.

I'm really wishing we weren't going on this ride until later. No one is going to be home. I don't have to feed in the morning. I could get some much done. Hubby is driving me nuts. He's drunk and flipping out. I'm about ready to leave. DS called because of rumors he's heard about people doing a purge in NJ and now hubby won't shut up. I haven't even eaten dinner yet-I'm waiting for hubby to go to sleep, but I might have to go to bed just to get away from him.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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Oh DenimDeb, i hate you have to deal with that. after being married for a long time and now not i can tell you that being alone alone is not as bad as being alone in a crowd

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
He still hasn't shut up and gone to sleep. I wish he would.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
He finally shut up and went to sleep, but not B4 threatening that he was going to make it so I can't get any money if he dies. I think I need to get a video camera and have a way to turn it on that he can't see so he can see what I have to put up w/when he's drunk. He won't remember any of this.

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