Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
That's an idea. I have to do something. It's been a long time since he's been this bad. Normally he just talks and won't shut up.

I think I'm going to have to move my bunny cage. Thumper is well named. I think it enjoys thumping. I woke up in the middle of the night, and couldn't figure out at first what I was hearing. Then I realized it was my bunny, thumping. Didn't hear anything to indicate that there was a problem, just a bunch of thumping like (s)he was enjoying itself.

Don't know what all I'm going to get done today other than the ride. I'm going to try and get done as much as I can. I got a basket of peaches yesterday, so I'll be getting some of them in the dehydrator. And I may get some of them canned. I'm wanting to dice them and cold pack them.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today was actually a pretty good day. I had enough time to fill up the dehydrator w/peaches B4 I would have needed to leave for the farm. I decided I was going to use my new Kitchen Aid slicer attachment. It didn't work that well. Basically, I made peach soup. So, I just put some fruit fresh and sugar on that mess and stuck it in the fridge. I'll be making some short cake or something to serve w/it.

We decided not to risk going on a trail ride. There were 2 big spots of rain on the radar, and the last place I wanted to be if it started to rain was on a horse. So instead, I stayed home and worked on cleaning my bedroom. And, I'm happy to say that I actually do have a top to my dresser! I haven't seen it in years! I got some other cleaning done in there as well. I'm going to be concentrating on getting it all cleaned by the end of the week. Then in the beginning of September, I want to start on DD's old room. It's packed full of stuff.

I don't think I'm going to have my yard sale next week. I just don't have enough of the house and yard clean. So that means I'm going to have to wait a month. I don't have another free Saturday until then.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I wish we had had today's weather yesterday. It is going to be absolutely gorgeous out! But then again, I wouldn't have gotten done all the work in the bedroom. And it was so nice to wake up in there today, and not have as much junk to trip over. Tomorrow, I'm hoping to work in there some more. And if I can, I want to clean UNDER the bed on Thursday. (That's when I normally change sheets, so it will be torn apart any way.) Then I'll know once and for all if Jimmy Hoffa is under my bed.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
Reaction score
Britesea you are just bad! and DenimDeb you are one brave woman. i know for a fact there are dust bunnies under my bed that could hurt someone if they wanted to. you so inspired me yesterday that i cleaned off the top of the desk in my bedroom. i was amazed at all the things i found. now i have to get them off my bed and find them a new home.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I hear ya about what you found. I found the collar from the dog I lost a few years ago, as well as the tail hair from the horse I lost in 2006. I knew the hair was there, just didn't know where under all the junk it was. The bad thing is, I saved very little of the stuff that was on there. I shredded a bunch of papers, put others in the recyclables, threw out a bunch of stuff, and put more stuff in the box for a yard sale.

Today was fairly relaxing. Other than normal chores and going to church, I didn't do much. I emptied, then refilled the dehydrator and did some dishes. However, tomorrow is going to be busy just to make up for it! In fact, this whole week is going to be busy. So I doubt very much that I'm going to get on here in the mornings. So, I'll be doing my list at night for the next day. So, my list for tomorrow is:

1. Pick tomatoes early, run them thru the strainer, then put them in the crock pot and let them cook down
2. Empty, then refill dehydrator
3. Work on cleaning living room
4. Normal farm chores
5. Go to one of the county parks for a nature walk
6. Clean field and spread manure
7. Do some mowing at the farm
8. Work in bedroom
9. Work in garden
10. Feed goats and bunny
11. Dishes
12. Can sauce

I'm planning on leaving at around 8:00 tomorrow morning. That would give me an hour to feed and do some work B4 heading over for the nature walk.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
Must be something in the air... I'm starting to go through all the junk we've accumulated. Started with 3 boxes labeled "Move to proper spot", "Sell or Donate" and "Throw Away". For some reason, the Throw Away box is filling up faster than either of the other two....


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
That doesn't sound like a bad problem, Britsea!
Way to go on getting some progress made, Deb!
With the Ex moving out of the old house last week, I have several crates and boxes of CRAP that I have to find a home for. I did manage to get down there this past weekend to clean out the shed, and now there's a bunch of junk in MY shed that I need to deal with. The very same shed that was never organized when we moved in that STILL has crap from the previous tenants in it that I need to clean out and get rid of! UGH! Hopefully upcoming there will be some really nice days that I might be able to spend chipping away at it a little bit at a time. I don't want to keep living with it the way it is... its not useful and we have TWO large sheds that we can use, and you can't really get into either of them!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I also have a ton of stuff in the basement from when my MIL died and we cleaned out her apartment. I'm hoping to get to that stuff soon as well. I don't want the majority of it, so if hubby and the kids don't, it will be sold or given away.

I enjoyed the nature walk today. I'll be going on another one tomorrow, then heading to the hay auction.

It was dark out when I got up, and didn't get light early enough for me to get the tomatoes as well as the peaches done. So I waited until I got home to do tomatoes. I've cooked them down some, but not all the way. I'll be putting the pot in the fridge overnight, and finishing them up in the morning. I'll be leaving by around 8:00 again tomorrow. So I'm doing my list tonight again. So my list for tomorrow is:

1. Finish tomatoes
2. Run dishwasher
3. Unload dehydrator
4. Wash and hang out a load of clothes
5. Clean bathroom
6. Normal farm chores
7. Rearrange hay bales
8. Go on nature hike
9. Go to hay auction, then if I get any, load, unload and stack it
10. Work in bedroom
11. Work in garden
12. Feed goats and bunny

I have one more spot on the bedroom floor to clean, and one dresser that's full of craft stuff to clean off. Once I get them done, then I just have to clean under the bed! So I just might be all done by Thursday!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm beat! I would have finished everything earlier, but I'll admit to crashing when I got home. I didn't get any hay, and was actually kind of glad. I really didn't feel like messing w/hay today.

I was finally able to get to the bales that got wet. They're not quite as bad as I thought, so I should be able to salvage most of them. There's parts on them that are bad, but not the whole bale. But, the pallet they were on was wet. Since I have a couple of weeks B4 I'll be able to go to the auction again, I want to take that pallet out. I have plenty of other pallets, so I'd rather move the hay more to get that out then to risk any of the hay getting moldy from that.

I did more work in the bedroom. I just have the dresser to clean off, then under the bed! W/that done, I just need to dust, then vacuum, and for the first time in I don't know how long, I'll have a clean bedroom!

I'll be glad when this week is done. I've been enjoying the walks, but it makes for a long day. I'm hoping to get done everything earlier tomorrow. So, here's my list:

1. Put away laundry-including a basket of socks
2. Dishes
3. Put out trash and recyclables
4. Clean kitchen
5. Wash and hang out a load of laundry
6. Normal farm chores
7. Nature hike
8. Mow at the farm
9. Work in bedroom
10. Feed bunny and goats and clean out got pen
11. Work in garden