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  1. DrakeMaiden

    My poor barn cat....

    Sorry to hear it. It sounds like she lived a pretty long and good life for a mostly outdoor kitty. You gave her a good life. :)
  2. DrakeMaiden

    Dating Old Canning Jars?

    Score on the coupon, Emerald! I'm still using regular lids too . . . just not canning enough at the moment to invest in a new type of lid.
  3. DrakeMaiden

    Storing Potatoes

    Yes, same experience here this year. I have heard this from others recently too. I'm thinking buying new seed potatoes every year may not always pay off. Bee -- If you can spare a few, why not? My harvest wasn't as good as I'd have liked, so I'm not sparing any for the sake of science. ;)
  4. DrakeMaiden

    Dating Old Canning Jars?

    Wow, thank you, Moolie! I knew you were a treasure trove of information on canning jars. :) Very interesting about the "Kerr" brand jars in general and I appreciate having a narrower time frame on the possible date of manufacture (it is about what I had imagined). I'm sure the numbers on...
  5. DrakeMaiden

    Storing Potatoes

    I would agree with you whole-heartedly, except that I have accidentally dug some up from time to time and they are usually whole and in fine shape in spring. I would never knowingly leave my potato harvest out in the field to experiment though.
  6. DrakeMaiden

    Dating Old Canning Jars?

    It is a Kerr jar. It has a number on the bottom, but I don't have that handy at the moment. It still has what has been described as a "gold tin" lid, which is tarnished.
  7. DrakeMaiden

    Dating Old Canning Jars?

    That is an interesting website about the Ball jars. Now if only there were a similar one for Kerr jars. Those blue jars sure are beautiful. You are lucky to have more than one. :)
  8. DrakeMaiden

    Dating Old Canning Jars?

    Thanks, Emerald. :) I looked up "French Jelly Jars" and it seems that it is a style, not necessarily origin of the jar. I think it is the type of jar that could double as a drinking glass. The term is new to me and I didn't see an exact written definition, but that is the impression I am...
  9. DrakeMaiden

    Dating Old Canning Jars?

    So you think that style may be from France rather than US?
  10. DrakeMaiden

    Storing Potatoes

    That too! :) Our soils do get waterlogged in the winter, but it would be interesting to see if that is detrimental on the potatoes, since enough seem to over-winter to make more plants the following year.
  11. DrakeMaiden

    Storing Potatoes

    I have also read that it is best to let the plants die back and then let them dry in the ground as long as possible before harvesting. That works well for us because summer is always dry here and I usually try to harvest them before the first rain. Then I bring them inside to let them dry...
  12. DrakeMaiden

    Dating Old Canning Jars?

    Thank you everyone, for your helpful replies. I don't think the jar I have is terribly old. I suspect possibly art deco era, but that is an uneducated guess. These jars seem to be fairly cheap and reasonably available, however very distinctive and that is what caught my attention. Here is a...
  13. DrakeMaiden

    Dating Old Canning Jars?

    I just wondered if anyone knew how one could find the age of an old canning jar. I've been looking at a few websites, but haven't found anything very helpful yet. I noticed a lot of similar type jars for sale on e-bay but none of the sellers seems to know the date of manufacture.
  14. DrakeMaiden

    New User from Central Alabama

    :welcome Good luck with your land purchase. :)
  15. DrakeMaiden

    Clearing woods to make pasture for animals- can it be done?

    From what I have read, yes you can cut the trees, you can even clear the stumps by hand (but that is a lot of work) and then if you lime the soil appropriately, it should be able to grow a garden and a pasture. I would check into the soil before buying any piece of land. There is a website...
  16. DrakeMaiden

    The Self-Sufficient Mind

    To strengthen the mind -- reading. I don't have much time for that now, with a toddler, but that is what brings me back to focusing on why I am doing what I am doing and how I can do it better, whether that is practical ways of doing various odd jobs better, or the way I think about what I'm...
  17. DrakeMaiden

    Self Sufficient potting soil?

    I slowly worked my way away from bagged potting soil. I typically use 1/3 sandy loam, 1/3 sand, 1/3 compost. If you want a soil-less mix you can substitute peat moss for the loam.
  18. DrakeMaiden

    Rubbing alcohol to disinfect?

    Oh, sorry. It was my understanding that one wipes the udder as well with bleach, or other disinfectant. I think if it is milk for your personal use and you use it promptly then wipe her with whatever you are comfortable using . . . I would think hot soapy water would be as good as anything...
  19. DrakeMaiden

    Rubbing alcohol to disinfect?

    I have thought of this too. My concerns with rubbing alcohol are 1. it can be absorbed by skin and 2. it is somewhat drying to skin. I think bleach is fairly harsh though too and there are other concerns with using bleach. Vinegar should be able to disinfect for e-coli, from what I have read...
  20. DrakeMaiden

    Natural childbirth any tips for the pain?

    Yes, go ahead and take the time to sit down and write out a birthing plan. As you say, I think it will help you feel more confident and it will help your husband, and anyone else who is with you, to stand up for what you want or don't want done while you are in active labor. I also enjoyed...