Britesea - Living the good life in rural Oregon


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
Last couple of days I haven't felt like doing much. Just tired; my get-up-and-go has got up and went!

Had to run out last night and cover the summer crops when I heard we had a frost warning; of course this morning I have no idea whether it was really needed or not. I really miss the max/min thermometer we had in California; I liked being able to see exactly how hot or cold it got in our micro-climate. All the max/min thermometers I see for sale these days are digital and thus require either batteries or a power cord *growlph*. The one we had was an antique- I think it used special metals with different expansion coefficients to record the temps; I know we didn't need power or batteries for it, and the rain didn't bother it at all.

Today we are scheduled for thunderstorms again, though I don't see any evidence of it myself. It is fairly cool however, and I can feel moisture in the air. I'm going to enjoy this while I can, it's supposed to get into the 90's again this weekend.

Had an appointment for a mammogram today, and I had intended to stop at the metal surplus yard to see if I could find some cheap pipe for trellis frames (I prefer the metal because it won't sag like wood or plastic); of course, as soon as I got into the car I went into autopilot and came straight home. I must be barn sour!

The ducklings are a week old today, and I swear they've doubled in size. I need to dig out the gallon sized waterer because they go through the quart sized one in about 4 hours now, and I'm getting tired of having to get up in the middle of the night to refill it. I was done with 2 o'clock feedings decades ago! On the whole, these little peepers are really calm and quiet; if I hear them making loud noises, it means they have issues with room service.

We finally got around to cleaning out the deep litter in the duck house yesterday, and found 2 eggs buried in the litter. One of them was fresh- when I put it in a bucket of water, it sank. The other one was cracked though.

I've started shredding papers for use as a mulch in the garden. This weekend, when DH is home, we'll head over to the Post Office and rake up a bunch of their pine needles as well. The Postmistress told me we were welcome to any of it we wanted, but she would appreciate it the most if we concentrated on the drifts that are up against the building (fire hazard). They used to have a gardening/maintenance company come out and clean up the yard on a regular basis, but with government cuts they can't afford it anymore.

I've decided that I need to make the new garden beds deeper. I'm using rough cedar, but the only width they had was 2"x8", and the 8 inch depth just isn't deep enough for me. Since I have weed blocker fabric underneath to keep the couch grass at bay, the plants can't go any deeper. I'm concerned about them getting enough water and nutrients in the small amount of soil-- especially as densely planted as they are. 8" will have to do this season, but I want to add a second course this fall and fill in with more topsoil. The 16" height will also make it easier for me to weed since I can't kneel.

I took the first cutting of nettles and got them into the dehydrator. They say that once the nettles are dried they lose their sting, but I still get real itchy when I have to handle the dried stuff. It's worth it though if it helps DH's gout and arthritis.

It's time for a good feeding for the garden now. I use Borax, Epsom Salts, and trace minerals, plus fish emulsion. The borax is especially important because my soil appears to have a deficiency of boron. I think I'm pretty good on nitrogen from the horse manure, because the plants I bought from the nursery that looked so spindly and pale have greened up beautifully and throwing out tons of new leaves. I recently bought a soil testing kit though, and probably should use that first before I start throwing fertilizer at the beds.

Has anyone ever tried any repellant sprays to keep squirrels away from their garden? I found a recipe online that uses 1 tsp dish soap, 5 oz hot pepper sauce in 1 gallon of water and then spray on the plants. I don't know if it will work, but I've got to try something. The little creep has just about finished my broccoli and is starting on the kale!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Ew squirrel isn't nice! I have no idea what to offer, they are terrible!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Don't have anything to offer, but when I hear my get up and go has got up and went, I always think of this!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Whereas the one I know is from watching cartoons on Saturday morning. But I think I like yours better.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
We had a fun/interesting morning. The local museum had a talk and walking tour of their gardens-- all native plants to Klamath County. Some of them were really pretty! They gave us ideas about where we could find plants and seeds- either from nurseries or digging and transplanting (they also warned us which ones are protected). One of the plants they had was scheduled to be pulled out but one of the botanists pointed out it would be good to keep this plant so people would learn what it looks like. Perhaps the most poisonous plant in North America-- Poison Hemlock.

The ducklings got their second session in the bathtub today. They tend to huddle in the corner for a while, and then suddenly find their cojones and start zooming around like little Yellow Submarines, lol (except for the Cayugas, of course- little Black Submarines). The adult ducks stopped laying for a couple of days; I think it was the shock of me cleaning out the deep litter in their house. But today I got 3 beautiful eggs again.

One of the ducks appears to be not quacking anymore; instead she's coming out with something between the peeping of a duckling and the whispery quack of the drake. Anyone know what's going on?

Dinner is a shrimp salad with homemade 1000island dressing and garlic bread. I'm thinking of a Peach Grunt for dessert.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
What breed of duck, and how old?


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
She's a Khaki Campbell, just under 1 year old (born July 15th last year). I have 3 adult ducks and 1 drake, living outside in their own coop (no contact with the new ducklings yet) and other than this strange peeping she's doing, I see no difference between her and the others. Is she going through a second childhood?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Maybe shes turning into a muscovy?


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR

The weather was so warm today, I decided the ducklings could come outside. I had a 25' roll of 2' tall 1" chicken wire, which I made into a circle; then drove 4 posts into the ground in a rectangle shape and slipped the wire over it- made a really nice roomy duckling-yard. The minute we put the babies in there, the 4 adults ran over to investigate this, although the drake kept nipping the girls to get them to keep their distance from the corral until he had inspected everything for possible dangers. The babies at first were frantic to run to the adults, piling up against the fence; but finally everyone settled down-- as long as the adults were in sight, the babies happily investigated the grass, the ants, the food dish and the water dish... but if one of them happened to look up and couldn't immediately see the adults, they started their "lost" call and the adults came running up to them again.
I finally put the ducklings back in their brooder when I noticed they were starting to huddle together. I just now looked out and the adults were staring at the empty corral, disconsolate. It was funny/sad. I suspect that by the end of the week they will think of themselves as one flock.

Too bloody hot today to do anything outside other than sit in the shade and bird watch, lol. I did manage to get some dishes and laundry done in the morning.

The squirrel repellant may be working... DH said he heard what sounded like squirrels cussing us 6 ways from Sunday yesterday morning and again this morning, and the new leaves coming in on the broccoli and kale appear untouched. Yay for Tabasco!

I have to make some seasoning mixtures and condiments-- I'm almost out of dijon mustard, worcestershire sauce, cajun and taco seasoning, and sazon... gonna be busy tomorrow!

Grilled hamburgers and hotdogs tonight, homemade macaroni salad, and upside down peach cake for dessert.