Clippers?! Andis AGC or Oster A-5 Turbo.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
k so i groom my own dogs, and my whall arco are dying on me, by the time i buy new batteires and a ne blade i might as well get an even better set.

im debating between the andis AGC and te Oster A-5 turbo....
both are amazing clippers, get great reviews....but i cant decide.
anyone have experience withboth?

i need a work horse that will last forever and that can go form clipping my dog to shaving down an angora bunny to trimming udders to possibly eventually shearing alpaca ect...

GAH decisions are hard!

my current set is 7 years old, and a wahl arco, great cordless clipper blades alittle expensive, but its given me 7 solid years...batteries ust arnt hoding a charge anymore :( and at $35 per battery and $25 for a new blade...
given i can get my clippers wholesale, its about the same for a new set.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
What is wrong with the blade? How many times has is been sharpened? (and by whom?) How many times have you replace the blade drive?

Your best value is really to replace the battery in the Arco.

Don't get an AGC or A5! They are both very heavy (with the A5 being extremely heavy!!). Other reasons why not, but that is the biggest reason. The vibration and weight of these clippers have caused tendon damage for me (and for many other dog groomers).

The best clipper on the market now is Andis Excel 5-speed. An incredible tool! But since wholesale is about $200, I can't see why you wouldn't want to repair your Arco! (Edited to add: A cordless clipper will struggle with shearing an alpaca. They simply don't have the power or spm to handle that kind of load. That might be a reason to get a corded clipper eventually.)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
a single battery for the arco is $30, I like to have 2 battieris on hand...
the blade is 30...ive been unable to find anyone who can and wll sharpen the 5in1 blades without charging (fter shipping there and back) about the same aount as buying a new blade (about $20)

so it works out about the same to just buythe new blade as it would to get it sharped since id have to send it away via mail as theres no one local.

so 2 new batteries and a new blade = about $80
I can pick up a AGC or an A5 for about $90...

theres nothing wrong with the blde drive, the blades however rust like crazy here...short of putting the blades fully submerged in oil when there not in usei don't seem to be able to keep the arco blades from rusting...I NEVER groom a dirty dog, im OBSESSIVE about keeping my blades cleaned and well oiled and they still rust...don't know if that's the blade itself or just TN humidity...but ive seriously thought about storing my blades in oil to prevent moisture form getting to them.
both btteries are seriously dead though, I get 2 mins out of them before they die lol.

ive used the A5 and the AGC....weight isn't an issue, since its not a day in day out kind of situation, im not a professional groomer (my back would KILL me lol) it just a once every 6 weeks for ruby, and MABE once every 3 months for the rabbits if I let them get to the point they canot be combed out...(I much prefer combing)
IF I eve get alpaca and need to use it for that, itll be a very small head and I wouldn't be doing more than 1 a day. 3-5 animals max.
though yes at a little over 1lb a piece I can see where repeated daily use would cause serious issues.

I jut realy want something thatll last forever through thick and thin.

I tried my friends AGC, seemed very quiet (even compared to my arco) but did seem to have a little struggle with the mats on the bunny but otheing odd...
I liked how quiet it was, but im still not sure.

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